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ARA and Encapsulators

November 17 2002 at 7:25 PM

Rick Gelinas  

I got an e-mail this evening that asked a good question about using ARA along with encapsulators. I thought I'd share my reply here...

Do you find that it is necessary and helpful to apply ARA even after encapsulating? Obviously you do, so this is a stupid question, but I am still confused. I thought the ARA and the better encapulating products had the same type of chemistry?

They do have simillar chemistry. So it's not a stupid question. Maybe I'm just a stupid guy. My reason for continuing to use ARA is only because I've grown to trust the product. ARA has been getting the job done for me for the past couple of years now. The new encapsulating products would probably likewise do the job by themselves. I am just slow to let go of something that has worked extremely well for me. However I am using less ARA than I used to. Is it absolutely necessary still use the ARA though? Probably not.

Rick Gelinas

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Nov 17, 2002 8:12 PM
This message has been edited by cimex on Nov 17, 2002 7:57 PM
This message has been edited by cimex on Nov 17, 2002 7:26 PM

Current Topic - ARA and Encapsulators
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