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Dare I use nylon brush on concrete?

November 20 2002 at 6:10 PM
Ed Evans  

I have a big power wash job (restaurant) tomorrow with a lot of flat work. I'd like to be able to use something like the Cimet on moss that's growing from a water leak and other areas.
I was thinking that the concrete would ruin the brushes. I know that Rick advises to break them in for a short time on concrete, but what about going 3 or 4 hours with them?
Won't work, right?
I wish there was a middle-ground between the nylon and scarification brushes.
Thinking out loud.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Dare I use nylon brush on concrete?

November 20 2002, 6:58 PM 

There are more aggressive brushes than the firm shampoo brushes. For example the 4804 yellow polypropylene brushes are the right stiffness for ceramic tile, pavers, stone, grout and concrete. They would work great. Course concrete will wear down any brushes. If it's smoothed concrete there's no problem.

Here's another idea. A set of the 4804 brushes is $175. So let's say you can do two or three, or possibly several jobs before the brushes wear out. Whatever wear factors occur; plan accordingly and build it into your pricing. If you plan the brush wear into the price for the service then you’ll have the advantage of scrubbing with the Cimex. This is what marble polishers do. Diamond abrasives are costly, and there is a limited amount of life expectancy to the diamonds. The diamonds are built into the price for the job. That's part of the reason why marble honing is so expensive.

So you might consider weighing the possibility of using the Cimex for your concrete jobs. With its scrubbing capability it might justify the cost of using up some brushes.

Rick Gelinas

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Nov 20, 2002 6:59 PM

Current Topic - Dare I use nylon brush on concrete?
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