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Cimex options

November 22 2002 at 11:59 PM


Hey Rick -

Just wondering:

Are there diamond grinders available for the 19"?


Are there scarifying attachments available for the same?



Rick Gelinas

Cimex Options & MARBLE

November 23 2002, 11:52 AM 

The Cimex can be used for many purposes in addition to carpet cleaning.

For Scarifying brushes Cimex offers light duty #4845, medium duty #4849, and heavy duty #4851 brushes.

Additionally, there are stiff polypropylene brushes that are good for cleaning ceramic, stone, pavers, and grout. There's also an aggressive Tynex stripping brush. These are just a couple of the more common options that might be considered, it's a versatile machine.

Marble grinding with the Shampoo Polisher machine could be accomplished but it would be much slower than with the marble grinding model. If you could add a weight to the head of the Shampoo Polisher machine it would produce better results.

For marble honing you would need to get a set of the velcro drive blocks #4860. You would then need to then get 6 sets of diamonds (varying degrees of abrasiveness). Normally you place 3 diamond pads on each drive block. But since the Shampoo Polisher machine is lighter it would be advisable to run with just 2 diamond pads on each drive block (I know this sounds backwards but that's how it works). Each diamond pad is $20. And six pads would be needed per level. So this would come to $120 per set - times 6 levels = $720.

The outlay for marble equipment is a bit high but the money is pretty decent. Marble honing and polishing generates between $4 - $7 per square foot depending upon the condition of the floor. So for a 500 sq ft job the price would run between $2,000 - $3,500. And people ARE paying these prices. A typical 500 square foot job could be done in a day. That's not too bad in my book!

If you have questions about marble you can also ask my brother Dave. He has the Cimex Diamond polisher. He checks this board daily but doesn't post that often because he is a floor guy not a carpet cleaner. (Dave is actually on a $7,000 marble job today)

If you need any of these accessory items let me know. I don't currently carry the diamonds, but I have a supplier who is ready to work with us if there is interest.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Cimex options
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