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November 25 2002 at 2:17 PM

Hello all great board!!
Going to reduce my janitoal bis and
go for comm cc.
If you had to buy one mach which would it be
for comm. cimex or chemstractor?
My yellow page add will come out feb.
states commercial cc but not sure if
home owners will call...should i turn down res or do both? If both which mach works best?
Do you pre spot? or post spot?
Going to buy a mach just not sure which one..
Thanks in advance

Rick Gelinas

Re: Help??

November 25 2002, 5:06 PM 

If you will be doing residential and commercial work and want to go with just one machine the Chemstractor is the best choice. It is a machine that can be very competitive in the commercial market. And it does a very nice job for residential too. We have used Chemstractors in our business for years.

However the Cimex is a superior machine for commercial carpet. It is over 6 times (600%) more efficient than a standard rotary machine. The Cimex has 3 brushes as opposed to one, and it rotates at over twice the rpm – compared to a standard rotary machine like the Chemstractor. The Cimex scrubbing ability is unmatched.

The Cimex can clean 2K-3K sq ft per hour. The Chemstractor can clean 1K-2K sq ft per hour. The Cimex costs 50% less than the Chemstractor. So the Cimex is the winner in the commercial setting. But on the other hand, the Cimex is not a practical machine to use for residential. If you want to do both you might consider the Chemstractor instead.

As for choosing commercial over residential, I prefer commercial too. In fact I turn down most residential. I only service old customers that I still have.

Don't expect to get a lot of commercial work from the YP ads. You will do better to go out and solicit in person. Following up with a free demo will open a lot of doors too.

Hopefully some of the other Chemstractor or Cimex guys can share their observations with you too. And call me if you have more questions. 800-330-1888

Curtis Pennington

Re: Re: Help??

November 26 2002, 7:23 AM 

Rick nailed on the head. We own 2 CS and we use both them for both settings.


Re: Re: Re: Help??

November 26 2002, 2:10 PM 

Thank you..
any other coments?

Current Topic - Help??
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS