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Whos really needs an "Encapsulator" anyway!

December 3 2002 at 9:04 AM
Tom Rowe  


Here's one from left field for ya....

Ever try using an extraction cleaner instead of your favorite encapsulator?

I did.

I'm talk'in about ProChems Dry Slurry,
Steam Action's Formula 1992, those type of products.

How about giving it a try and let's see what happens.

It seems to clean very well, dried a little slower than the encapsulators,...but it's definetly wayyyyy cheaper.

Just mix the Chem as if you were gonna run it in a "Portable".

I mixed some up and ran it thru my GLS with Auto Sprayer. I was impressed.

As far as residue goes, it should'nt be any worse than if we used those chems with a portable, or truckmount.

It'll be interesting to see what you guys find.



Re: Whos really needs an "Encapsulator" anyway!

December 3 2002, 10:19 AM 

Im sitting here he kidding...or not...well...the first time may be alright..but these residues are not made to vacuum away..and soon you will have a terrible build black carpets...and when I clean HWE i rinse that stuff out with plain water anyways...


Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: Whos really needs an "Encapsulator" anyway!

December 3 2002, 10:59 AM 

I agree with Joel. The technology is different. The polymer and the fluoro chemical is what sets these products apart. HWE products are designed to be rinsed out. Encap products are designed to encase the soil and then be removed with post vacuuming. It's a different animal altogether.

Rick Gelinas

Tom Rowe

Re: Re: Re: Whos really needs an "Encapsulator" anyway!

December 3 2002, 12:08 PM 

When people meter Dry Slurry thru thier truckmount, they are leaving it in the carpet. Unless they do a Clear water rinse....which most don't. I don't see much difference between that, and lightly spraying it on the carpet with the same dilution....


Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: Re: Re: Whos really needs an "Encapsulator" anyway!

December 3 2002, 12:30 PM 


How will the dirt be pulled out using a HWE product?

Rick Gelinas

Tom Rowe

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Whos really needs an "Encapsulator" anyway!

December 3 2002, 2:00 PM 

I could'nt tell ya.

But with all the recent talk, are we sure we are removing it with the other products?

I still think whether we use a bonnet, truckmount, Encapsulation, or whatever, we are still leaving a fair amount of soil in the carpet.

To tell ya the truth I'm sick of people asking "Where's the dirt go?" regarding Encapsulation.

As long as it looks good, and the customer is happy, and I get paid,...

I could'nt care less where the dang dirt goes.

Tom Rowe

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Whos really needs an "Encapsulator" anyway!

December 3 2002, 2:10 PM 

By the way,...

I used Top Care's Premium Extraction Powder from Harvard Chemical.

I mixed it as if I was gonnna pour it in a portable.

I actually poured it into my GLS and cleaned my living room, and it worked just as good as any of the Encapsulation products I've tried.

For what that's worth...


Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Whos really needs an "Encapsulator" anyway!

December 3 2002, 4:09 PM 


You said it... "all the talk"

Please see Encapsulation 101 above.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Whos really needs an "Encapsulator" anyway!
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