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Encapsulation 101

December 3 2002 at 5:01 PM

Rick Gelinas  

I’m not a scientist, but this is how I understand the scientific theory of how crystallizing encapsulators work. Soil is held to the surface of the fiber through attractions referred to as Van Der Wals forces.

The mechanism for soil removal is intrinsically designed into the encapsulation products, which allows it to be easily removed from the fiber. There is a small amount of fluoro chemical in the leading encapsulating products. This lowers the surface tension the same way that a non-stick pan releases an egg.

Mass attracts mass, thus agglomeration of the soil particles occurs. The agglomerated soil particles that are freed from the fiber during the cleaning process are now suspended in the cleaning solution. Wherever an agglomerated dirt mass is located on the fiber, this area will dry last because it will hold more solution.

During the drying process the agglomerated soil particles are pulled into the hardening capsule, kind of like a flower bud closing at night. The solution naturally dries from the outside towards its core inward. As it dries, it draws the soil substance to its middle, which reduces the surface area that’s being held to the fiber. As the polymer/soil package dries from the outside first, it curls back and away from the fiber. In this way the capsule is released from the fiber as it is hardening.

This leaves us with a dried polymer/soil package that is easy to extract through normal interim post vacuuming.

Rick Gelinas

Tom Rowe

Re: Encapsulation 101

December 3 2002, 5:12 PM 

Sounds pretty impressive. I suppose most customers would be impressed when you lay all that knowledge on them.

Personally,...I still don't really care why, and how it works. As long as it puts ample amounts of money in my pocket, it could be magical pixie dust for all I care.

Got a record store to do tonight,...or is that a "CD" store these days???
Anyway, just about 5,000 sq ft. wall to wall, with about 1,000 sq ft covered with display racks. So I cleaning a little less than 4,000 sq ft. Should take me about an hour and a half. Maybe 2 hrs. at the worst. All that fun and they will pay me $300. Works out to about 7¢ a foot. But the important part is the $150-$200 per hour that is generated.

Happy Scrubb'in

Current Topic - Encapsulation 101
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