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Where's Tony been???

December 3 2002 at 5:28 PM
Tom Rowe  

Ain't seen him around these parts lately?

Whasssup Wit Dat?

Curtis Pennington

Re: Where's Tony been???

December 3 2002, 5:39 PM 

I thought he turned into a ghost....LOL


Re: Re: Where's Tony been???

December 3 2002, 10:04 PM 

Well guys it nice to be remembered! I have been out enjoying the fruits of hard work- on vacation in the upper peninsula of Michigan, snowmobiling, for the last couple of days. They got an early snow and I was able to get out for the first day of snowmobile season--December 1st. I had a blast and am now having to catch up on all this smoke and mirrors info that got posted over the few days I was gone. My wife is due with my second child in a few more weeks so I thought this is gonna be about the only time I will be free in the next several months- so with my wifes okay- I cracked my chain off my leg and my carpet cleaning truck and set off with some good friends.

Curtis-- I don't belive in ghosts although someone likes to impersonate me.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: Re: Where's Tony been???

December 4 2002, 12:52 AM 

Tony, I'm glad to hear that you had a good time! I haven't been on a snowmobile since I was a kid in Minnesota (we lived there for a couple of years - burr). I wish I had been there too. We don't get a lot of snow in Florida.


Steve Lawrence

Re: Re: Re: Re: Where's Tony been???

December 4 2002, 3:48 PM 

You've been missing all the fun. I've never seen such scrutiny over any method before. Probably because it works and no one can figger out why.

Ha ha.


Current Topic - Where's Tony been???
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