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Encapsulation to the masses

December 6 2002 at 8:18 PM
Bob Cairns  

Rick - your job is to spread the word - your living depends in part on selling chems and equipment. The rest of us get to make fun of everybody else! Keep up the good work.
PS it has been 6 hours and no accumulation of belly button lint since applying spin vac. LOL!

Tom Rowe

Re: Encapsulation to the masses

December 8 2002, 10:30 AM 

It's funny how defensive people get when you recommend encapsulation to them. It's like you were trying to physically take thier truckmount away from them. Geeeze, all your try'in to do is offer an alternative method to add to thier arsenal of cleaning weapons.
The people with open minds will rise to the top.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: Encapsulation to the masses

December 8 2002, 5:09 PM 

Yes, encapsulation is just another way to clean a carpet. It will not bring about world peace or solve world hunger. It's not a cure for aids. It's just a practical method for maintaining commercial carpet. If they're not interested that's their business. However it seems like "the masses" feel that it's personal.

If an alterative method can get them this rattled, it makes me wonder how secure they are with their preferred methods in the first place. "Henny Penny The Sky Is Falling." What's the big deal?

Columbus was considered a nut when he asserted that the Earth is round. I guess what we are seeing are a few hardcore "flat earthers".

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Encapsulation to the masses
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