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when do you market??

December 8 2002 at 9:09 PM

or how...i have a ton of ideas..or places i can hit on for business..but my residential cleaning keeps me from getting to you mail out flyers?? ive been thinking that the way to do this would be person to person contact...but i cant find the stinkin time...i guess winter is coming..that might do you market to commercial if your busy cleaning?? just curious as to what others are doing


Rick Gelinas

Re: when do you market??

December 9 2002, 10:04 AM 


You need to clone yourself. One Joel for cleaning residential carpets, another Joel for marketing/selling to commercial. Seriously though, I recognize that it can be a challenge.

To answer the question… “When to market?” The answer is ALWAYS be marketing. Here are some ideas that have worked well for me.

I have made up a presentation portfolio (you can make one in MS Powerpoint, Lotus Freelance, MS Publisher, etc. The presentaion material should be strong on benefits. Mine is printed on sheets of 8"X10" glossy photo paper. I have it in a presentation portfolio binder that you can get at Office Depot, Staples, Office Max, etc. The most successful method that I’ve found for getting commercial work is to get in front of them in person with some SHARP looking material.

Here’s what you might try… When you're out in your truck bring a fresh shirt with you. As you’re driving around between your residential jobs throw on a crisp shirt and stop into a business. Or you might also try to leave one afternoon a week open just for making calls on prospects.

When you enter a prospective business, directly call attention to the condition of the carpet if it’s dirty, and tell them that you can fix that for them. Ask if you can explain the advantages of your cleaning process with a short 10 minute presentation. Now use your sharp looking presentation to help you sell them.

Be certain to offer a free demo. Ray Moody says that “A presentation without a demonstration is merely a conversation”. This is very true! Offer to clean the dirtiest area for free so that they can see what you’re capable of.

Also while you’re there, quickly measure the building. If it’s possible write up a proposal on the spot. If it will require some extra thought / calculating, leave and then fax, e-mail or mail the proposal back to them later.

It’s also a good idea to have a SHARP website that matches your presentation. And it’s a good idea to leave some nice printed material behind. Call back on them periodically if they don’t buy on the first attempt. They will see that you’re serious, and when they think “Carpet Cleaning”, they’ll think of you.

This is how I pick up a lot of my commercial accounts. 1) Offer to fix their problem 2) Have a sharp presentation. 3) Show them the benefits. 4) Offer a free demo 5) Give them a written proposal 6) Have a sharp website. 7) Call back repeatedly till they buy.

Hope this gives you some ideas.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Re: when do you market??

December 9 2002, 12:10 PM 

Hi Rick,
Was wondering the web address that u use,
for com. cleaning.
Would like to get some ideas


Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: Re: when do you market??

December 9 2002, 3:05 PM 


My web address is a secret. :O)

I never mind helping any of the great cleaners that I know. And I’ve shared my marketing stuff with several of them. However, I’m hesitant to publicly display my web address that I use for my carpet cleaning business. Why? Because I don't want every carpet cleaner in the country (including possible local competitors) swiping my my marketing ideas.

I'm just a little bit anal about that, sorry.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Re: Re: Re: when do you market??

December 9 2002, 9:00 PM 

I suppose setting aside time is the option I hurts to know your saying no to jobs on purpose..Im really wanting to push commercial and back off on the residential...I just dont want a lull in the process....

p.s. Rick i found your cleaning website in about 10 seconds...


Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: when do you market??

December 9 2002, 9:05 PM 


P.S. Did you like it?

Current Topic - when do you market??
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