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Going camping

December 12 2002 at 8:14 AM

Rick Gelinas  

We're going camping for a couple of days. I'll be back on Monday. (Behave yourselves while I'm away) If anyone needs to reach me, my calls will be forwarded to my cell phone... 800-330-1888

Take care!

Rick Gelinas


Re: Going camping

December 12 2002, 10:26 AM 

There are places to camp in Florida? I thought that the best you could find was forests of blue haired ladies at the mall?

Enjoy ! Rick! After the beating you've taken on the BBs you need a getaway! Come back refreshed and full of more encapsulation ideas!



Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: Going camping

December 16 2002, 12:18 PM 


There are lots of great outdoors activities in Florida. The old folks are only one of the features of the Florida lifestyle.

We went to Saint Augustine. Oldest city in the USA. Lots of history and European style. Nice restaurants. And there's also a very large state park on the Atlantic ocean. The campsites are heavily wooded. And the oceanfront is not developed. It's really beautiful.

We had a good time. Got a ton of rain on Friday (a good tent is worth the cost). And it got colder on Saturday night - dipped into the upper 30's (we stayed in a hotel Saturday night).

All in all it was a great little mini-vacation.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Going camping
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