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Hardwood floors

December 16 2002 at 10:05 PM
Rich Gallina 

I'm curious if you can sand hardwood floors with the Cimex? If so can you get the screens for sanding that would fit?


Rick Gelinas

How to sandscreen a wood floor with a Cimex

December 17 2002, 4:07 PM 

We can get 7” sandscreen discs, 7-3/4” is not a stock size. Although the 7” pads are slightly undersized, they will work – since they ride underneath the hog-hair pad (see instructions below). The prices for each set of 3 sandscreen discs is $10 per set including S&H.

Here’s a description of how to sandscreen a wood floor using the Cimex…

Sandscreen discs are used to remove surface scratches, dulling gloss finishes for re-coating and any floor operation where only the removal of the finish is desired leaving the hardwood flooring beneath unaltered. This system is most desirable in situations where the floor surface being prepared is only slightly worn or re-coating is frequently required. This is a good additional market for using the Cimex machine.

Supplies and Equipment:

- Cimex machine
- Pad Drive Holders
- Hog-Hair Pad
- Sandscreen Discs
- Wet/Dry Vacuum
- Tack Rags
- Floor Finish Applicator
- Floor Finish


1. Sweep or vacuum the entire floor surface.

2. Remove prior wax or dust mop treatment according to instructions on product.

3. Select the proper grit (size) sandscreen for the application:

a.Deep Scratches 60, 80 or 100 grit to level scratches. Then finish with 120 or 150 grit as noted below.

b.Minimal Scratches 120 or 150 grit to level surface, depending on depth of scratches.


Too large a grit particle will leave "spider web's" after coating. When using 60, 80 or 100 grit you must follow with 120 or 1 50 grit to remove deep scratches. The larger the number, the finer the grit!

4. Remove sandscreen disc from carton and place on the floor near a wall running parallel to the strip flooring or along the longest wall of a room covered with parquet flooring.

5. Place the Cimex with drive pad holders and hog-hair pads attached along with the sand screen discs squarely onto the floor. The hog-hair pads are used to drive the screen and to hold the dust.

6. Begin sanding a small area, moving the floor Cimex machine in a straight line with the direction of the grain, overlapping on each new pass to provide uniform sanding the surface. Continue sanding across the floor to remove all highlights of the existing finish. When necessary remove the disc and flex to clean trapped particles of finish. If flexing does not restore proper cutting action, use the opposite side until that side no longer provides effective cutting action. (NOTE: average coverage of a screen disc is 250sq. ft. per side.) When all sanding is completed, fold screen in half and sand by hand those areas near base boards and other areas the floor machine was unable to reach.

7. Upon completion of the sanding operation, sweep or vacuum the entire floor surface to remove dust and debris. Prior to applying the floor finish, tack rag the entire floor surface at least twice to remove any particles or dust remaining. (Tack according to instructions on finish you are using.)

8. Between coats of floor finish 100,120 or 150 grit screen discs can be used to buff the floor as preparation for subsequent coating. Follow all recommended application procedures listed on the floor finish container.

9. CAUTION: Wood floors can be tricky. So it is best to do a wood floor with experienced person available. Read all instructions on all products. Use either all water based or all solvent (oil) based products.

Rick Gelinas

Brian Asher

Re: How to sandscreen a wood floor with a Cimex

January 10 2003, 2:05 PM 

Is any one doing this process yet?

Current Topic - Hardwood floors
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