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percentage of carpet vs other jobs

December 17 2002 at 7:09 PM

Rick, your business how much VCT do you you go after it ..or only do what comes your way through national contractors...??


Rick Gelinas

Re: percentage of carpet vs other jobs

December 17 2002, 9:06 PM 

I have a floor care account that I picked up back in 1985. It's a chain of 16 small convenience stores. We do these stores on a weekly basis. I have one truck and one tech that does these stores only.

About 10 - 15 years ago I was doing mostly floor work. But I made the transition to mostly carpet. I am not actively looking for more floor work. In fact I just referred a floor job to my brother last week. There is often floor work that comes along with carpet cleaning jobs. This is the only floor work that I really try to focus on right now.

My main focus is commercial carpet cleaning. Floors that come with the carpet accounts are welcomed. I probably do about 80% commercial carpet right now. And if I ever lose that 16 year old convenience store account I'll be doing less floors still.

The money is better in commercial carpet cleaning.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Re: percentage of carpet vs other jobs

December 18 2002, 1:54 PM 

The reason i ask is because I have one of the national contractors calling...Im just wondering if there is going to be alot of it...first call was for tile and wood floor and even a few windows but no carpets...Im fine with that ..just hoping the is the exception not the rule..that there is more carpet out there than the tile. So needless to say im going to need some different pads for the cimex..and I ask you a couple questions about the wood floors if ya dont mind...when is the best time to call you??


Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: Re: percentage of carpet vs other jobs

December 18 2002, 3:55 PM 

Call anytime... I'll be happy to share whatever I know with you.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - percentage of carpet vs other jobs
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