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One More Encapsulation Success Story

December 26 2002 at 11:24 PM
David Gelinas  

Recently I got a call from the maintenance guy, Paul, that takes care of the building where one of my sons work. He called to have me come and give him a price to clean the carpet in a lunchroom. Once I got there, their were a couple of things rolling around in my head.

1) This job was so small, how was I ever going to make it worth my while?
2) Not doing much carpet, what should I charge him?
3) I wasn’t certain but, if I barrowed pad drivers from Rick, could I use my 800 rpm Marble machine with out any weight on it to clean these carpets?

The answers to one & two were simple. With what all you guys have been saying about production rates with E-cap, I knew it would take me longer to set up the equipment than it would to do the work. The other thing I was shooting for was the fact that this building is about 100,000 sq ft, and I was hoping it might turn into more work. The number I came up with was .12 cents, witch for this room was like a whopping $75. I put it to Paul just that way, I said “it is going too be a great big $75 to clean your carpets”. He looked at me like I had three heads. He asked how could I afford to do it for so little and after I explained it to him and how it works (Thanks to all the recent talk about E-cap and how it works), he asked me to give him a price on doing some hall ways.

Unfortunately my Cimex was stuck on a marble job so I haven’t gotten to use it yet on any carpets. For this job I simply used a slow machine with the electric sprayer I use for Ceiling Cleaning and it worked out great. It took about an hour and forty minutes and 28oz of chem. to do about 2000 sq ft. And that includes set up, nock down and having to re-measure for the extra work he wanted done. I didn’t think that was to bad for about $240.

The funny thing was when I was explaining how E-cap works I told him to go to and it would better explain it. He told me that he had a little duel head scrubber at home he wanted to try it out on his carpets at home. The next day he called me up and said he liked what he saw and wanted a gal. of it. When I came to clean the office carpets he said his own carpets at home turned out fabulous and he couldn’t believe how little of the product he used. When I spoke to him two days after cleaning the office carpets, he said they looked out standing and every one had commented on how good they looked. I asked him about the stains in the lunchroom and at that point none of them had come back and it looked really good.

For a maintenance guy that doesn’t know the first thing about carpet cleaning and a hard surface guy that doesn’t know much more to have such good results with E-cap, I guess it’s a good thing this E-cap stuff doesn’t really work.

David Gelinas

Current Topic - One More Encapsulation Success Story
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