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Got job Friday

January 9 2003 at 6:14 PM
Tom Rowe  

Got another one that I've been steaming for a few years. Always a nasty looking one, but it cleans up well. I'm gonna Cimex it this time and see whaaasssupp
I'll try to remember my Digital Camera

Jim Cross

Re: Got job Friday

January 10 2003, 11:27 AM 

I also have a nasty job this Saturday. I do it every 3 months. It is office area for a utility company, just off the garage area, alot of clay tracked in on the boots, hence a gray/blue glue down with reddish traffic lanes. I have tried hot water extraction with scrubbing and pad cleaning as well. It always looks better but the red remains to a degree though the pad cleaning looked better longer. As long as no one else in the family comes down with the stomach flu I"ll be doing it this wk-end and let you all know how it went

Tom Rowe

Sorry,...No pics allowed

January 10 2003, 2:46 PM 

That job was in a Building on this Military Base, and they did'nt want me in there snap'in pictures.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Sorry,...No pics allowed

January 10 2003, 3:55 PM 

That's funny Tom!

I was touring the Collins & Aikman mill with the LMCCA and got my film confiscated. They have a unique process where they bond the carpet to a vinyl backing - called Powerbond. It's what makes their product unique.

So I'm there taking pictures of the bonding process. And at the end of the tour one of the C&A administrators met up with us. I was kindly told that I would need to surrender my film or sign an affidavit swearing that I wouldn't use the picture to aid the competition. I didn't want them to be paranoid so I gave them my film. They processed the film and mailed me the remaining pictures. Hey, free photo processing.

So my exciting spy career ended there on that day.
If Q would have only built a smaller camera for me!

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Got job Friday
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS