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Posting Pictures

January 20 2003 at 10:02 PM

Rick Gelinas  

Well after a lot of frustration I finally got this forum figured out for posting images. I tried two different file-servers today and I couldn't get my images to load properly. I used the correct html - it just seems like certain file-servers will not cooperate with sharing images between servers.

Tom Rowe is using Printroom. I checked out Printroom - but they will no longer share images between servers after February 1st.

Then I discovered a cool feature that is offered right here on this bulletin board's file-server. There is a service that is provided for boardhosts. They offer 40mb of space for storing images that can then be loaded for viewing on this forum.

So if you want to post pictures here's all you need to do...

1) E-Mail the JPEG or GIF file to me.
2) Also E-mail your message that you would like to post. Include a "image goes here" description in the message.

1) I will load your image on the server
2) And then I'll post your message for you - including the image

This is a simple way to simplify displaying pictures for all of us.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Posting Pictures

January 21 2003, 9:06 AM 

Yea, unfortunatley Printroom is following WebShots, and will nolonger let us link to pic's on thier site.
Does anybody know of any Free pic hosting sites?


Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: Posting Pictures

January 22 2003, 1:53 AM 

Unfortunately I don't know of anymore free file-server sites.

Rick Gelinas



Posting pics

January 22 2003, 9:57 AM 

You could use your website, if you have enough room, no?



Rick Gelinas

Re: Posting pics

January 22 2003, 3:04 PM 


Here's the kicker.

1) I tried Webshots since that's where I store my pictures.
2) I tried Xara which is a server that turns images into Java script for satbility.
3) And I tried my own website.

The html was correct. But it still didn't work. I'm at a loss.

But I do know that this board works great using its internal storage feature called a "realm". So that's how I'll do it from now on. And I'll be happy to assist anyone else who would like to post pictures here.

Rick Gelinas



Picture testing

January 22 2003, 9:00 PM 

<A target=noframes HREF="">Cimex in rug pit</A>




Oops, 2nd try

January 22 2003, 9:04 PM 



Rick Gelinas

Rug Wash Pit - pic

January 23 2003, 10:59 AM 


I never fail to be impressed/amazed when I see pictures of your immersion process.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Posting Pictures
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS