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Encap with ccs op and white floor pad

January 30 2003 at 8:35 AM

Did my local servco lexus dealership last night, 4 mo. never been cleaned, Greenie was the first.

nylon high/low textured loop commercial stuff
I ran steamway M & B my last bit of Spin Vac (gasp! thought I had more, ...Rick!)and Cobbs encap cleaner with John's ccs OP with a white 3M floor pad cut to 14" cause I don't have a shinny new E-brush yet.

filled a pump up 3 times and used a diferent cleaner each time, I diidn't notice a bit of difference ... so much for my opinion on which cleans better, how about: the one that you clean best with. LOL
And man that rug looked good, clean? who knows, but the Sales mgr. was stoked. Got a residential out of it, and with the floor pad on the OP it just glided over the low nap and cut a clean path right through the traffic lane, grease spots and all. real easy to use good uniform coverage.

production time was about 1/3 of conventional pad time so I just kept on moving. 2 guys 2 hours 3000 sq ft including moving furniture in offices, lobby etc.. was prevac by janitorial staff so I skipped that step.
for the OP I liked the smoother white pad over the hogs hair, the op action eats up the marty pad too quickly. Maybe I need Puff next time, Rick is that stuff avail in standard floor sizes? I'll look If I can get a little technical info.

Cimex would have been to bulky here, lots of desk and cubicles maybe GLS would be a good tool as well.

Hope to have many more encap tools someday, but I'll never give up my OP...way to versatile, thanks John. trying to make some $$ for a Cimex, I'm debt free and have been from day 1 and plan on staying that way, so I wait for the Yellow beast.


Greenhorn Carpet Commando


Rick Gelinas

Re: Encap with ccs op and white floor pad

January 30 2003, 5:12 PM 

Way to go Jeff!
Sounds like you're experiencing the encap cha-ching.

Whoever said commercial carpet cleaning is not extremely profitable? Just think of all the poor fellows who turn down commercial work on a regular basis because they never learned about this little trick. You're one of the fortunate few my friend.

Keep up the good work. Your yellow high performance machine awaits you.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Re: Encap with ccs op and white floor pad

January 30 2003, 6:27 PM 

I got a friend to try using a Hog Hair pad on his Power Flite Rotory. He loves it! He can't see using Bonnets ever again. The best part is that he no longer has to launder the bonnets after the job.

Rick Freitas

Re: Re: Re: Encap with ccs op and white floor pad

February 1 2003, 8:00 AM 

So where can I find out more about hog hair pads. I've never seen them. Are they a use once and throw away?



Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: Re: Re: Encap with ccs op and white floor pad

February 1 2003, 7:06 PM 

We have 7-3/4" Puff pads and hog hair pads available for the Cimex. The Puff pads are working the best as an all around pad. We order these pads in large quantities in order to get them custom cut for the Cimex. Like Jeff, you can probably find some pads to fit the CCS too.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Encap with ccs op and white floor pad

February 3 2003, 12:42 PM 

We got some 17 inch puff pads direct fron etc to try on our bonnet machones, worked great. They have them in several sizes

Brian Eckelkamp

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Encap with ccs op and white floor pad

February 3 2003, 8:30 PM 

What are puff pads?


Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Encap with ccs op and white floor pad

February 4 2003, 9:09 AM 

Puff pads are synthetic pads designed specifically for scrubbing carpet. They have a good texture for cleaning carpet fiber.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Encap with ccs op and white floor pad
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