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We're LIVE again!

February 7 2003 at 4:01 PM

Rick Gelinas  

Our network server, Network54 went down during the past couple of days. I'm glad to see they're now back up and running again. I missed our board for the past couple of days. Hope everyone is doing fine! I've been sick as a dog, nasty flu - but I'm getting better.

Did a DOUBLE demo yesterday. I had spoken with an office manager in a large multi-doctor dentists office about a month ago. They wanted pricing for carpet maintenance and some VCT floor care too. I gave them a fair price. They shopped for some more prices from competitors. They called me again this week and said that they were still considering us. I asked the office manager if I could stop in and clean their lobby for free. She said fine. Long story short, I went in yesterday afternoon to do the demo - they were impressed.

On the way out of the building (it's a 16 story building) I noticed that the carpet in the common areas was very soiled. So I figured I'd give it a shot. I walked into the property management office. The owner of the building was actually in. I went through my presentation and we talked for close to an hour. At that point I went and performed another demo for the owner of the building as well. I even got the building owner to look at the carpet under my Radio Shack microscope. Picture this... this guys pants cost more than my Cimex, and he's on his hands and knees on the carpet comparing the cleaned carpet with the un-cleaned carpet. :O) In the end it looks like we'll be doing some business with the building as well as the dentist office. Two sales with one visit, (I must have been in the zone yesterday) LOL.

Rick Gelinas


Re: We're LIVE again!

February 7 2003, 7:36 PM 

that was a good day...when it comes to getting commercial accounts...the #1 problem..or biggest talking to the "person in charge" ive gone out all day before hitting on accounts...and never once talked to the appropriate people......and you must talk to them...this voice mail garbage drives me nuts!!!!!!

James Cross

Re: Re: We're LIVE again!

February 8 2003, 1:19 PM 

Way to go Rick, and glad to hear your feeling better. Alot of people here have been hit with the Norwalk virus....alot of vomiting, but I have escaped it so far.

Current Topic - We're LIVE again!
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS