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Who says the economy is bad?

February 20 2003 at 8:24 PM

Rick Gelinas  

I got a call this week from someone shopping for carpet cleaning for a 31,000 sq ft call center. It's an easy one, mostly just one enormous room with desks. They want to have it cleaned quarterly.

I went out today and spoke with the decision maker. I ran through my presentation. She seemed to especially like the description of our encap process. I then did a demo in two small areas.

She told me that she'll be having two other companies come out still to give her a bid. But she told me that from what she's seen she's leaning toward using us. Wahoo! I'll know more next week.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Who says the economy is bad?

February 20 2003, 9:20 PM 

I too did a bid on a new library. After doing my county library (15,000 ft +), the next county over called mine to see who does the work. After a great referal, they asked me to put in a bid for their library (along with 2 others--about same size 15,000+). It is about 3 years old with carpet that is cleaned quarterly(high traffic areas- about 6,000 sq ft) and the rest is cleaned yearly. Well working my Cimex numbers I gave a quote for 2x complete cleaning and then 2x high traffic areas. Hopefully my quote still came in less then the others- with their offering less sq ft of cleaning. Should hear back early next week as they are anxious to get it cleaned. Oh by the way- the carpet looked NEW- maybe 2 faint spots/spills in all of everything I looked at. This will be a breeze- should I get it. Only down side is they wanted someone there when I cleaned- and they are open 7 days a week now. I sure don't want some guy there watching me at 3 in the morning saying that I am making too much money!!! LOL...


Steve Lawrence

Re: Re: Who says the economy is bad?

February 21 2003, 8:17 AM 

You guys are doing great.

I can see how this encap snowballs.

Thanks for posting, Rick and Tony.


Current Topic - Who says the economy is bad?
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