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Amount of chemical per sq foot

February 21 2003 at 5:14 PM
Michelle Murphy  

Using encapsulation with a cimex and solutuion tank how much chemical are you guys using per sq foot?I guess a better way of asking is how much sq footage are you getting per gallon of chemical?Also is anyone using a electric/battery sprayer to put down chemical and what are the advantages and disadvantages of this method?Thanks in advance for your responses.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Amount of chemical per sq foot

February 21 2003, 10:44 PM 

We average around 500 sq ft per gallon of ready to use product. This amount can up or down slightly, depending on carpet construction and soil load. So at 8 oz per gallon we’re able to clean an average of 8,000 sq ft per gallon of concentrated product. At $22.50 per gallon for Spin Vac that means the cost for detergent works out to $2.82 to clean 1,000 sq ft of carpet.

I prefer using the solution tank as opposed to spraying out the solution. It’s faster without having to add an extra spray step. And it’s also easier to control the flow to get the desired amount. Some areas might require using a little more solution than another area, so you can adjust your usage accordingly by controlling the solution valve.

Perhaps some of the other Cimex users will add their observations too.

Rick Gelinas

James Cross

Re: Re: Amount of chemical per sq foot

February 22 2003, 12:18 AM 

I agree with Rick on the advantages of the solution tank, I have not done enough large jobs to know the dilution rates. I would think though in the absense of a solution tank a battery sprayer would give you more even, consistant coverage, but as Rick said it is an extra step. I like having the tank.



February 22 2003, 12:37 AM 

How long can you keep spin-vac in it't ready to use state before it looses it's potencey?

James Cross

Re: Spin-Vac

February 22 2003, 10:42 AM 

Sammy, Go into the Old Cimex Forum under "Shelf Life" and you will find the answer.


Re: Re: Spin-Vac

February 22 2003, 8:47 PM 

In the RTU form I would not go too long- maybe a day at the most. If you do go that long be sure it is capped. I've tried to use some that had sat for a few days and it just seemed to lack a bit over the fresh.JMHO---



Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: Re: Spin-Vac

February 23 2003, 1:06 PM 

I agree with Tony. Every detergent I've ever tried seems to lose a little puch in its RTU form - if it sits in the tank for a day or two. So I always try to run the tank low toward the end of each job. Then I just add a fresh bucket of heated detergent on the next job. This works fine for us.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Amount of chemical per sq foot

February 26 2003, 6:12 PM 

I don't like the effects of encap products on shur-flo type elec. pumps, so I use a pump up, but imagine the Cimex tank is just fine, alot more product per sq ft, but doesn't seem to be a problem.


Current Topic - Amount of chemical per sq foot
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