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The hog pads bogged down on this one.....

February 22 2003 at 7:56 AM
Steve Lawrence 

This commercial olefin (I think) carpet offered too much resistance for the pads. Had to use the stiff brushes, then I was fine.

I wonder why that was. The carpet was very low nap and seemed like the pads would have worked. I was thinking it may have been due to sticky detergen residues from previous amateur cleaners (my competition, LOL), or maybe just a characteristic of this carpet construction.

Definitely learning as I go. It's kinda fun to experience this "new"" system after HWE cleaning for so many years.



Rick Gelinas

Re: The hog pads bogged down on this one.....

February 23 2003, 8:34 AM 


Bogging seems to occur with the hair pads only under certain conditions. I have always been able to work around the situation. Here's what I've observed. Certain carpets (mainly olefin) can create more resistance. Also, running the machine on a loaded circuit can slow the motor down a little bit too. Here's a simple solution that has worked for me. 1) Make sure the current is strong. 2) Tip the machine back to lift the head slightly when you start it up. Squeeze the trigger to get some solution into the pads as you gently ease the head back down. So you're allowing the pads and the carpet to get damp before you begin running with the full head weight on the carpet.

While we're talking about pads, I'll let you all know that I'm still trying to locate the BEST pad for carpet cleaning. I haven't been 100% satisfied with the hair pads or the Puff pads. I haven't been content with the wear characterizes of the pads we've tried up to this point. We've all seen that the pads can clean more efficiently than the brushes. But I'm still looking for a better pad option for us to use. I’m getting closer. I’ve got a manufacturer that understands our needs. I'm now looking into a pad with an elastomeric element that produces better wear. They have the right level of aggressiveness for carpet fiber. And I should be able to get them at a good price point too. My initial observation of these pads is that they look good. I'll keep you all posted. I just know we'll find it if I keep looking

Rick Gelinas

Steve Lawrence

Re: Re: The hog pads bogged down on this one.....

February 24 2003, 9:03 AM 

Hey Rick,
Thanks for your suggestions.

I did have good electricity, I think, and also did the other things you mentioned. Still bogged too much.

The brushes worked fine.

Thanks for your testing of the various brushes. Keep up the excellent support.

Wish you could be in Muskegon tomorrow!!!!



Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: Re: The hog pads bogged down on this one.....

February 24 2003, 9:12 AM 


I wish I culd be there too - have FUN!

Rick Gelinas


Re: Re: Re: The hog pads bogged down on this one.....

February 24 2003, 3:00 PM 

Thanks for your post Rick. I agree the pads do work better than the brushes, we just need pads that last longer. Puff pads cost about $8.50 Canadian dollars, and we are lucky to get 8000 to 10000 sq ft per pad, so I for one would be happy with a pad that will last longer

Current Topic - The hog pads bogged down on this one.....
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