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call center question

February 28 2003 at 7:31 PM
joel hall  

so you go in there and bid this...did they tell you it was a 40,000 sq foot facitly???? or did you actually just roughly measure it wall to wall...or just went by what they said......then you said... .07 $2800....or did you a % off for the desks..or cubicles..etc...


Rick Gelinas

Re: call center question

February 28 2003, 10:31 PM 

Regarding the measurements, they actually told me over the phone that it was a 40K sq ft building. But I measured it like I normally do - I ran the Rollatape throughout all the areas that they want cleaned. I found that the carpeted areas they wanted cleaned came to 31,900 sq ft. So my 31K measurement actually came in under the 40K number that they had in mind for the carpeted areas. Then when they added the VCT tile floor care it came out to a little under 40K altogether. When I measure most commercial buildings I never deduct for things like desks and cubicles (it actually takes MORE time to clean under and around them).

We’re going to do this job tomorrow. We’ll be running 2 Cimex machines and one Chemstractor...(as a rotary / no extraction). I wish I had 3 Cimex machines to run on this one – but I only have two Cimex's that we use in our cleaning business. Two is all we normally require. But if we keep getting larger accounts I’ll need to add another one for sure. Anybody know where I can get one?

Rick Gelinas

Ades Gros

Re: Re: call center question

March 1 2003, 12:01 AM 

There was this guy named Rick something at Winterfest this year, he had one but i don't know if he is wanting to part with it.



Hey, Rick

March 1 2003, 11:47 AM 

Just wondering about your use of the rollatape. We used to use one too, but quit when we found it to be wildly inaccurate.

With all the dough you're rolling in from Cimexing, you should get a Leica Disto from Lowe's for under $500. Man are they SWEET! We measured 5,000 s/f of halls the other day in 5 minutes. It's accurate to 3/8" over a distance of 300'. The rollatape, on the other hand, has been known to be off by as much as 10%, and it always cheats the measurer.



Rick Gelinas

Re: Hey, Rick

March 1 2003, 4:29 PM 

Thanks Scott!
I'll have to look into the Leica.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Re: call center question

March 1 2003, 12:59 PM 

Hey Rick got one for sale only $3500.00 Canadian bucks
Don Eldred

Jim Cross

Re: Re: Re: call center question

March 1 2003, 6:46 PM 

Must be REALLY nice or the Canadien dollar is much worse than I thought.....

Current Topic - call center question
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