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March 10 2003 at 12:52 PM

I am looking at expanding into commercial and was wondering how you are using the encapsulation method on stairs?


Rick Gelinas

Re: Stairs????

March 10 2003, 5:23 PM 

Here are 6 suggestions for cleaning stairs (1-5 are encapsulation)...

1. A Versa-Tool hand scrubber (Hesco item #com-20150)
I think that WORLD OF CLEAN offers these too.
2. A hand drill with a scrub brush (Hesco item #com-1372)
3. An Oreck Orbiter machine.
4. An orbital car buffer.
5. A bucket and a hand brush.
6. Traditional HWE with an extractor and a hand tool.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Re: Stairs????

March 10 2003, 9:34 PM 

you forgot the 17" rotary buffer...makes quick work of the stairs......although there was the one time the drive plate came off...made quick work of that wall...nice basket ball size hole right through the wall of their brand new home....right when they brought friends over to see it..


Re: Re: Re: Stairs????

March 15 2003, 12:13 AM 

Or........just about any means to aggitate the fiber, I use an old Host machine, works like the GLS or Masterblends machine, how about Whittakers Gusto?

Don't under estimate the aformentioned hand brush, it does work, and isn't as hard as it seems, and pretty quick.
I also just use an OP with encapsualting brush sometimes, but can't do the risers so it's back to the brush for details.
Been thinking about the Oreck(stock)with long handle, should work just fine.

hey don't take me to seriously, it's just the greenie chiming in.

Current Topic - Stairs????
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