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March 18 2003 at 6:39 PM

I need some info on extra brushes for the amigo I just bought. whats available?

Rick Gelinas

Re: amigo

March 18 2003, 7:49 PM 

The Amigo is actually a discontinued model. But I'll check to see what accessories are still available for that machine. I'll get in touch with you when I find out.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Re: amigo

March 19 2003, 3:10 PM 

Thanks Rick - was told by the people I got it from - a local dist - that all parts were available here in the U.S.

Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: Re: amigo

March 19 2003, 4:56 PM 


Yes I can still get brushes for you.
#2005 Medium/Heavy Duty $67 set (including shipping)
#2003 Shampoo $67 set (including shipping)

If you would like any of these give me a call.


P.S. I hope you enjoy this machine. It's a terrific little unit. I'm sorry to see that Cimex discontinued it.


Re: Re: Re: Re: amigo

March 20 2003, 7:08 AM 

Thanks Rick - the unit has a set of yellow brushes, pretty stiff. Which ones are these? I don't want to order the sme ones. Do they make white pads and drivers?

Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: amigo

March 20 2003, 12:43 PM 

There aren't pad drivers or pads. The yellow brushes are the medium/HD ones. Go with the soft brushes for carpet.



Cimex Amigo

March 26 2003, 6:24 PM 

The Cimex Amigo was never actually discontinued in the UK, where all authentic Cimex machines are built. The company was founded in 1933.
It is an expensive machine to build and it has not always been easy to convey the message that quality costs and that the results achieved with this great machine and the durability of the equipment itself equals value for money. The machine and its accessories have always been sold worldwide and should still be available from the new owners of Cimex.
Congratulations for your excellent choice of machine!


Rick Gelinas

Re: Cimex Amigo

March 27 2003, 6:54 PM 

"Hello" is correct. The Amigo machine had only been discontinued in North America. The importer felt that it was priced too high for the US market. However I spoke with the US importer and they're now considering bringing it in again. So I'm hoping that we'll see these machines in the country again before too long. It's a cool piece of equipment.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Re: Cimex Amigo

March 27 2003, 8:44 PM 

Who is Hello? This isn't one of those who is on first type jokes is it?



Hello again!

Re: Re: Re: Cimex Amigo

March 31 2003, 4:23 PM 

No joke, honestly. My name is Estelle, a former employee of Cimex International Ltd and of Cimex Floor Products Ltd and I speak about the Amigo from personal experience.
Best regards from the south of England


Rick Gelinas


March 31 2003, 6:59 PM 


I'm pleased to welcome you to our forum. It's great to hear from a former employee of Cimex Floor Products in England. I hope the change of ownership hasn't affected your livelihood. Will you be able to move over to Truvox? I'm happy to see that the Cimex legacy will continue, and at the same time it's a bit sad to see a great old established machine maker melt into the global economic landscape.

Please participate here often. We're doing exciting things with the Cimex machines in the US. A new method of carpet cleaning has been born employing the Cimex machine combined with recent developments in cleaning chemistry. It's working great! We'd love to hear your view of things from across the pond.

Rick Gelinas



April 24 2003, 5:40 PM 

Dear Rick Gelinas
Thank you for your message. If there is any information that I can supply, I will be only too happy to do so. I am in regular contact with a couple of the best ex Cimex employees each with 12 - 15 years experience and knowledge of the entire range of machines, brushes, spares and accessories. Just send me an email if you need anything and I will do my best to help.
With regard to the recent sale of the company, I have not had any contact this time with the new buyers - they know where to find me if they need anything - I think that they may be looking for an really fresh approach.
Best regards

Tony B

Re: Re: Re: Re: Cimex Amigo

April 1 2003, 9:16 PM 

Thanks for clearing that up. Any more information about the Cimex products are very much appreciated, especially when the news is straight from the top.



Current Topic - amigo
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