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IICRC Certification Council Meeting

March 21 2003 at 11:46 PM
Rick Gelinas  

Bob Wittkamp invited me to attend the IICRC certification council meeting in Orlando today. It was really interesting! I had the privilege of sitting in on a planning session for a proposed new training class for the commercial sector chaired by Mike West. If it's approved as planned it will improve the commercial and jan/san side of the industry.

It was a real pleasure to meet many of the industry giants (all the heavies were there). As I spoke with several industry leaders it was nice to see how many have already heard about the "new" cleaning system that we have here. The industry is observing us; --- so you're all to be on your best behavior




March 24 2003, 6:02 PM 

Don't put too much faith into these meetings Rick, by the time they all get their imput into it you will not recognize the outcome. Been there done that.
The present commercial school is a farce, and certainly needs to be improved.

Current Topic - IICRC Certification Council Meeting
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