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Cimex News

March 31 2003 at 9:23 AM

Rick Gelinas  

Good news! It looks like the Cimex machine will now be stronger than ever from a manufacturing standpoint. The company has just been purchased by Truvox International. Truvox is a VERY LARGE international floorcare machine manufacturer located in England. Although here in the US we may not be familiar with the “Truvox” brand name - they currently private label machines for companies like PowrFlite and Nilfisk-Advance in this country.

TRUVOX ACQUIRES CIMEX – (From a press release dated March 25th 2003)
Truvox announced on March 25th 2003 that it has agreed to a deal to acquire the assets and stock of Cimex Floor Products ltd. The deal was concluded for an undisclosed sum. Truvox International Managing Director Peter Holt said: “This acquisition is a natural fit for us and further strengthens Truvox’s position as a global leader in the manufacture and supply of floorcare machines. We are now planning considerable product development work to modernize the Cimex machines. They will then be rebranded and integrated into the Truvox range where they will clearly benefit from the higher levels of customer training and service that we are able to provide as a company.”

Truvox has grown steadily over the last 40 years to become a world leader in the manufacturing and supply of floorcare machines in the cleaning trade. Manufactured at Southampton in the United Kingdom; Truvox machines are now available in over 60 countries throughout Europe, North America, Africa, Asia, the Middle East & Far East, and Australaisa.

Truvox International LTD

The Truvox website is…

Rick Gelinas

Peter Holt

Thanks Rick for your support - please be patient - we're on the case!

April 14 2003, 6:58 AM 

My name is Peter Holt, Managing Director of Truvox International Limited, based in Southampton in the UK.

We are working flat out to bring all the production of the Cimex line from their old factory (only 20 miles away) into our own facility.

There is a lot to do, but some really excellent ex-Cimex people who have joined the Truvox Team are helping us.

We hope to begin production next month and be assured that we regard the US as a key market for us.

Rick is on the case (and mine too!) and we are talking frequently.

Please stay patient; if he doesn’t have the equipment ready-to-go, it won’t be long before he does.

I have really enjoyed reading this bulletin board and it is good to know that we have such loyal fans across the pond.

Best wishes


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Current Topic - Cimex News
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS