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April 2 2003 at 2:48 AM
Vicky Gallini  

We have been in the industry for 24 years now. We are a woman owned company. Our company name is INTERIORS BY JANI-TRESS (Jani-tress defined by Webster's is a woman janitor). Located in Southern Ca.
Our company serves Goverment contracts. Recently our clients had been expolring buying new carpet and in the process Dupont ask to do a demo at three facilities. Promising many things including restoring their carpet back to new and applying resistech. With Rick's help, equipment, and product Dupont is out the door.
When Dupont did their test areas we did ours next to theirs leaving a dirty strip. We discussed how their areas looked like there was some color loss at each building. Rick suggested testing for Alk./PH. I used pool test strips. Worked great. Dupont areas were off the chart on both and still dirty. Ours were normal in both areas.
The process:
Pre sprayed with CFR Reclaim/Cimex scrub
CFR w/ A-Excell/dry
Cimex w/Spin Vac
Results: Perfectly restored/no color loss/clean/not matted/looked new. Client extremely happy!!!!

Lesson: Never sell your client a bill of goods you can't deliver. DuPont sure did.

Rick we can not say thank you enough for all your calls to walk me thru this, and your support and knowledge. you're the greatest!!!



April 2 2003, 11:38 AM 

Love it when we knock the big companies down a peg or two. Great work, and yes Rick is a great person and willing to help anyone who asks.


Rick Gelinas


April 2 2003, 9:40 PM 


This was a FUN one.

DuPont is currently undermining the commercial market in most major cities. They will pull out all stops to acquire new acounts. We saw that in your case. We're seeing what the chemical giant is all about aren't we? Well I think it's safe to say that I'll NEVER sell DuPont protector to any of my customers again.

Your situation reminds me of David and Goliath. You probably recall the account where David as a boy was met in battle by a Philistine Giant. David runs toward Goliath. He takes a stone from his bag, puts it into his sling, and throws it with all his might. The stone flies straight into Goliath's head, and he falls down dead

David was but a mere boy with a sling and a few rocks going up against a giant. In your case you're an all woman run janitorial service that desperately needed to retain a large account that a giant corporation was trying to capture. So for me it was a rewarding challenge to help you devise a plan to out-perform DuPont. Helping you slay the giant was pure pleasure!

Enjoy your new machine and cleaning technique. And please come here often and let us know how you're doing. We're all rooting for you.

Rick Gelinas

Steve Lawrence


April 3 2003, 11:36 AM 

That's great to hear.

Rick has helped me a ton, too, and I appreciate it very much.

Some day I'd like to see Rick's technique. Hey, Rick, how about making an instructional video tape?

Current Topic - CIMEX & SPIN VAC vs DuPONT
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS