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April 4 2003 at 11:35 AM

Just did a HWE on a very high traffic area that we have used mist n brush on every week since November
{18 weeks on encapsualtion].
We used our Steamin Demon to do the HWE
We encountered a small problem with the first pass of the demon, there was a bit of foaming in the recovery tank and we used a fit amount of defoamer, on subsequent passes there was no foaming.
The Steamin Demon is high flow and I expect if we had used a normal low flow extractor we may not have encountered any problems.
Now the good news, and I found this very encouraging the extracted water was not all that dirty, which shows me that the encapsulation process is working.

The one thing I want to point out is that for the first 12 weeks of using mist n brush we used a standard rotary machine and a bonnet pad to apply the chemical and I know we used away too much product, once we got the Cimex machine we got better cleaning results and used much less detergent.

The carpets did not appear to need HWE I was just doing a post winter extraction of a very high traffic area in one of our contracts.

Great products and I am fired up about the encapsulation process and it is only the beginning, and I am sure we will see improvements as time goes by.


Rick Gelinas


April 4 2003, 1:21 PM 

Hi Don,

Thanks for sharing this with us!

Weekly encapsulation for 18 weeks.

The nay Sayers would claim that we'd be up to our eyeballs in residue. LOL But your experience indicates something different…

"The carpets did not appear to need HWE I was just doing a post winter extraction of a very high traffic area in one of our contracts."

"the extracted water was not all that dirty which shows me that the encapsulation process is working"

This is a great testimonial regarding the ability of encapsulation since I assume that heavy winter traffic in a busy Toronto building would includes a lot of melted ice and a degree of salt. I guess this is not just “smoke and mirrors” after all...ya think?

Rick Gelinas



April 4 2003, 2:10 PM 

Thats right Rick, it has been a rotten winter with more ice melter used than I can ever remember, carpets should have been loaded with soil, but not the case.

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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS