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Pro's Choice Encapsulant

April 5 2003 at 11:28 AM
George Wills 

I know some of you all have tried it, How were the results? using spin Vac as a bench mark how would you rate this product, good and bad?


Rick Gelinas

Re: Pro's Choice Encapsulant

April 5 2003, 12:18 PM 

I'll start by saying that the CTI Bonnet/Brush product cleans very well. It has good detergent properties.

However it forms a much lighter crystal than the “benchmarks” Spin Vac, Mist & Brush, or Crystal Dry. The CTI crystal is extremely delicate and light. I’m not a chemist but I do have some questions about how this will affect the encapsulation in the field. Will the delicate crystal package hold soil without breaking down? Will its lightweight permit the encapsulated residue to become airborne? I also see that CTI has recommended that the Bonnet/Brush product works best when it's used in a “bonnet” cleaning application. I'm still undecided on this product. It may be a great product. I am not ready to give it thumbs up or thumbs down at this point for using Bonnet/Brush in a scrub/shampoo application like we’re performing with the Cimex.

In encapsulation chemistry the crystal is the hard part of the equation to come up with. The crystallizing will only take place when the chemistry is just right. Even if the balance between the correct polymer and other detergent ingredients are off – it won’t work. On one occasion I asked DSC to make a custom version of Spin Vac for us that would create a little bit more foam. Simply adding a touch more sodium laurel sulfate caused the product to fail. I understand that DSC tried over 60 polymers before they found the right one. I also was told that Steamway spent over a year developing Mist & Brush before it was released. Bottom line; getting it right on the polymer level is critical.

Although I’m not ready to get behind the CTI product as a scrub/shampoo encapsulator, I feel that it may likely be a great choice for its recommended purpose – bonnet cleaning. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it for bonnet or pad cleaning. BTW, CTI is now offering two new encapsulators: the “bonnet” encapsulator and a good “HWE” encapsulator. With the new CTI encapsulators, all cleaning methods are now covered via encapsulation. When we add the two new CTI products to the line up of great scrub/shampoo encapsulators that are already on the market (SV, M&B, and CD) encapsulation cleaning can be now be in the hands of every cleaner (and it should be – since encap makes good practical sense).

One last thought: I think it's interesting to see the rapidly growing interest in the industry toward encapsulation. As Doyle Bloss said regarding encapsulation at last years Steamway Extravaganza it's "the future". I agree!

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Pro's Choice Encapsulant
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