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Encapsulation Sales Pitch

April 11 2003 at 2:27 AM
George Wills 

I spoke with the manager of a mid sise business (4000 sqft)and three stores. when I gave her a quote while my wife was in the store shopping. She liked the quote and immidately called her boss. My cell phone rang while I was in the store and the first question she asked was that her manager wanted to know if I was "steam cleaning or hand washing the carpet" (the carpets looked well maintained, they were HWE monthley) I explained encapsulation in very basic terms and offered to do a free demo on an area and let her see for herself what I can do. If it works, I got all the stores and she said the other company also did all of the managers homes at a "discount".

My question is this, How do you explain encapsulation and explain the "where does the dirt go" questions and others that may arise? Especially to one that only knows about HWE? I did explain that the soils are encapsulated and vacuumed up the next day when they do their daily vacuuming. I don't think she liked that answer.

I am pretty sure I came in way under the HWE guy who is doing it, I will still make $100 per hr. if I get the job.


Rick Gelinas

"Clean Carpet" Presentation

April 11 2003, 8:25 AM 

I explain encapsulation to the prospect. But what I really emphasize when I sell is the RESULTS. I sell then "clean carpet" rather than "carpet cleaning".

I place the emphasis on what our company will provide for them - professional service, competitive pricing, no more sill stains, guarantee, etc. I also stress the benefits of having clean carpet - extends the useful life of the carpet, looks more attractive for their guests and employees, healthier, etc.

When we get to the point of discussion about methods - I explain that this is different than HWE. I explain that I have HWE equipment and could provide it for them if that is what they prefer. However there is a shift in the commercial end of the industry to this new technology called encapsulation.

This is some of the information that I consider with them in my presentation when I meet with the decision maker. A face to face presentation with the person who makes the decision to purchase the service is vitally important. But the most important selling technique is to provide a demonstration to show them how it will look. "A presentation without a demonstration is just a conversation".

Bottom line: Stress all the advantages of clean carpet and what your company can provide for them. Sell clean carpet, not carpet cleaning.

Rick Gelinas
Click to learn about encapsulation

This message has been edited by cimex on Jun 1, 2006 12:50 PM

Steve LawrenceSteve Lawrence

Re: "Clean Carpet" Presentation

April 11 2003, 8:28 AM 

Good suggestions, Rick.

I've been a HWE cleaner for 25 years and I never would have believed that encap cleaning works as well as it does without experiencing it.

It really works. I can't explain it, don't understand it (really), but the carpets I do with the Cimex and SV look great and stay looking great much longer than HWE cleaning.


George Wills

Re: Re: "Clean Carpet" Presentation

April 11 2003, 12:22 PM 

Great information as always. I will make an effort to speak to the main manager and offer her a demo at her store. I also printed out some materil to explain that this is not some splash and dash process.

Current Topic - Encapsulation Sales Pitch
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