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Battery powered cimex ?

April 22 2003 at 6:49 PM
Ades Gros  

I went to wally world last night after cleaning pizza inn. just to chill out before comimg home, they had 3 guys stripping and waxing a section of vct tile. had a nice big clark machine with to15" or 17" scrub pads. as they were putting down the cleaning or stripping chem, it was throwing it on anything that was close to the floor, pocket books, clothes. they had taken the guards offs. how would a machine like this work in place of a cimex?
Or do they make a battery powered cimex? that thing looked like it could hold a lot of spin vac.
Just thinking out loud.

Carpet Magic


Rick Gelinas

Re: Battery powered cimex ?

April 22 2003, 9:56 PM 

It sounds like you were looking at an Auto-Scrubber. Auto-scrubbers are generally slower rotary units - and they're NOT counter-rotating. It would also be hard to adjust the flow as you scrub. I don't think it would work very efficiently. But it's cool to think outside the box. That's how this whole Cimex/Encap thing got started.

Rick Gelinas
Click to learn about encapsulation


How about this !

April 22 2003, 11:50 PM 

It would be the ultimate E-cap machine-- a battery powered Cimex. With no cords to worry about- cleaning time would get EVEN better.I bet you could push 4000 sq ft/hr. With pads to reach out to the ends of the scrubbing deck and an optional sprayer attachment- you would be at the height of the E-cap empire! The addition of a rotary brush and vacuum in front of the cleaning head that can be tilted up for up close scrubbing would make the killer one step E-cap machine.

Ah,,, if only dreams came true!!!!



Re: How about this !

April 23 2003, 11:43 AM 

If you are going that far might as well make it so we can ride on it to

Peter Holt

Battery Cimex

April 27 2003, 7:10 AM 

I noticed the question a few days ago - “thought” I had replied but it doesn’t seem to have registered.

Rick mentions scrubber dryers - he’s right!

Cimex made a 20” and a 24” battery scrubber/dryer and we plan to produce these for the US market.

These can be available to you and offer all the befits of Three-Brush but for hard-floor cleaning.

So, NOT for carpet, maybe another idea for the future!

Have fun!




April 27 2003, 7:57 PM 

What would make the unit not acceptable for carpets? Do you have a website that has the info?




Rick Gelinas

Re: Peter

April 28 2003, 11:15 AM 

Actually Tony I believe that it would more than likely work just fine for carpets. And if the vac-shoe could be modified it could be used to extract some solution - similar to a Chemstractor.

Rick Gelinas
Click to learn about encapsulation

Current Topic - Battery powered cimex ?
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