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April 29 2003 at 3:36 PM
Tom Rowe  

Anybody had any success adding a deodorizer to encapsulant cleaners?

Looking for something that won't mess up the drying/crystalization of the cleaning product.

I've got a old folks home and some of those rooms REEEEEK.



Rick Gelinas

Re: Deodorizer??????

April 29 2003, 3:59 PM 

I saw your post and gave Mark Kling at DSC a quick call. He said that they've attempted to add Nokimded (their super odor product with Tea Tree oil) and he's also tried adding a quaternary disinfectant; both failed. The crystal in these products is delicate. DSC has not seen a way to effectively add a deodorizer. So it looks like deodorization would need to be handled as a separate entity.

However Tom, you had posted some time back about trying some Airx 82. I've never tried it, but I understand that Airx 82 isn't as good of a product as the good encapsulators. Yet I'm wondering if in this unique setting that Airx 82 might just be a good choice.

What do you think?

Rick Gelinas
Click to learn about encapsulation

Tony B

Re: Re: Deodorizer??????

April 29 2003, 8:38 PM 

Another option MIGHT be adding alcohol to the mix.Rubbing alcohol is cheap and you MIGHT be able to add lots of it as it will evaporate and leave no residue either. Whether it will affect the crystalization process- I do not know.
Its bacteria killing ability is well known from lysol to the purell hand sanitizer.



Tom Rowe

Re: Re: Deodorizer??????

April 30 2003, 8:48 AM 

The Airx82 is probably gonna be the best bet, even though I have not been impressed with it's cleaning ability.
Yesterday I just put some of Bridgepoints Spice Air in a trigger sprayer and gave the room a few shots after I Cimexed it.


Re: Deodorizer??????

May 1 2003, 8:33 AM 

The machine can be set up to have a ozone attachment attachment, this would work as a deodorizing agent, not sure if it would effect the encapsulation products.

Current Topic - Deodorizer??????
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