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April 30 2003 at 5:52 PM

anyone thouht about putting a heater element
in the solution tank?
is this fesable where would on buy one.

heard of guys heating foam mach..on the lmx
would this work for the cimex?

just a thought would like to hear what u think

George Wills

Re: heater?

April 30 2003, 7:36 PM 

Sounds like a good idea. The only thing I was thinking is you would have to run a second cord and that would be a major hassle. The 1,000 watts used by the heater would require an outlet on another circuit breaker. I like Ricks idea of using three gallons of mixed solution at a time. The next batch is heating while you are cleaning.


Re: heater?

May 1 2003, 8:31 AM 

Man that's all we need is another cord, have enough problem with the one that is on the Cimex.


Re: Re: heater?

May 1 2003, 1:04 PM 

If I can't get hot tap water on the job site, I just fill a bucket and use a bucket heater.
Have a bucket heating up while your cleaning.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: Re: heater?

May 1 2003, 3:05 PM 

We've had good success using a bucket heater. We fill 3 or 4 3-gallon buckets when we arrive at a job. We drop a bucket heater into the first bucket while we get set up. When we use the first bucket, we drop the heater into the second bucket, this continues right down the line.

With a bucket heater we can get simmering water. However I don't see a big difference in cleaning results between tap, hot, or simmering water. There is a slight difference in foaming as the temp increases - but the cleaning is pretty similar. I actually found that when were testing heating with two bucket heaters (boiling water) the results fell off some.

Bottom line: I think that hot water is a good thing. Our IICRC classes taught us that. But we still good results with plain tap water. I think that most of the cleaning is accomplished by means of big-time agitation. Agitation compensates for the other pieces of the cleaning pie.

IMO there are more important things to be concerned with than getting super HOT water; like where to find a super cup of HOT coffee. Now that's important. Starbucks espresso for me!

Rick Gelinas
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Re: Re: Re: Re: heater?

May 1 2003, 4:20 PM 

Hot tap water is fine for me. Heck, even warm is good enough.
I only get the bucket heater out if I can only get COLD water at the job site. That does'nt happen too often.

Current Topic - heater?
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