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May 6 2003 at 10:52 PM

Rick Gelinas  

I’ve been developing kind of a lazy habit. Rather than pre-spraying the carpets I’ve just been proceeding to clean without pre-spraying first.

Well tonight I had a NASTY looking carpet to clean. It looked hopeless. So I mixed up two gallons of Spin Vac at 12 oz per gallon (50% stronger than normal). I then pre-sprayed all of the trashed areas of the carpet. Then I proceeded to scrub with the Cimex using less solution than normal. Because the carpet was in bad shape, most areas required 2-4 passes. However the carpet gave me much less resistance than I expected. Although it was filthy when I stated it cleaned up really well (almost new looking).

So I think I’ll get back into the habit of pre-spraying more of my carpets from now on. It actually makes the scrubbing go faster and easier. I know this should be obvious – so why haven’t I been pre-spraying? Well I’ve seen the error of my ways and I’m repenting – there will be more pre-spraying from now on.

Just thought I’d share this with all of you.

Rick Gelinas
Click to learn about encapsulation

Steve Lawrence

Re: Pre-spraying

May 7 2003, 7:45 AM 

Hey Rick,

I've been slowly doing more and more encap jobs with the CImex. I don't think there is a more fun way to clean commercial carpets and the results have always exceeded my expectations.

I, too, have been experimenting with the system and I find that I use a lot less solution if I prespray first. I use a battery sprayer with kind of a coarse spray so I'm not atomizing the product and then breathing it. When operating the CImex I just dispense enough solution to keep the pads wet, maybe on for a second or two, off for 5-10 seconds.

Works for me.



Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: Pre-spraying

May 7 2003, 7:55 AM 

Which battery sprayer are you using?

Rick Gelinas
Click to learn about encapsulation


Re: Re: Re: Pre-spraying

May 7 2003, 10:24 AM 

Makes sense, guess we better get back into the habit of pre spraying.

Steve Lawrence

Re: Re: Re: Pre-spraying

May 9 2003, 9:02 AM 

I have several. Multi Sprayers are nice. They charge in the truck, right off an outlet on our Butlers. Very convenient and always charged.

I also have a 15 year old gray one(I forget the maker. ) It has been redesigned and is on sale for $359 in the latest Power Flight catalog I just received with their name on it. (I don't think they make it.) It holds 3 gallons and is capable of spraying 9 gals between charges. Also has a slick design allowing you to put a 1 gallon jug in the holding tank that you can spray from

I also have Hardball's battery sprayer, only $100 bucks. It's okay, but you have to bend over to pick it up, a bummer for the geriatric cleaner (me).


Current Topic - Pre-spraying
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