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People really don't believe what the Cimex can do....

May 22 2003 at 12:32 PM
Steve Lawrence 

Judging from a lot of the chatter on other boards, many in our own industry are incredulous.

I think it mirrors the same situation several years ago when oscillating pad cleaning was first getting a good foothold in our industry. There were a few who knew the value of it, but the majority hadn't seen it and debunked it without ever trying it.

I think we'll see many more getting on the Cimex Encap bandwagon when they can use the machine, or see firsthand the incredible results.

Nice being in on the ground floor, ha ha.


Tom Rowe

Re: People really don't believe what the Cimex can do....

May 22 2003, 4:22 PM 

I agree with you. You would think that atleast the people that O/P would be more accepting of this method since not too long ago they were in the same boat, as we are now.

I honestly think this will just get more, and more popular. It will take a while like O/P did, but eventually it will be widely accepted.

Really, when you figure people can clean for 5¢ a foot with the Cimex, or other encapsulating type equipment, and compare that to the work these
"5¢ a foot HWE" compaines do,... there's really no comparison. Sooner or later encapsulating will win out over these low end HWE guys. I see stores all the time that have recurring spots, and they say "Those spots always re-appear". The problem is they "require" HWE as the method used, and for the price they want to pay, they are going to have those type of problems over and over again. Where if they let us encapsulte it one time they would see that those spots don't have to "Allways" come back.
All we need is a "chance" to show what we can do, and we can change people's way of thinking.

(Tom step's down from his SoapBox)



Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: People really don't believe what the Cimex can do....

May 22 2003, 10:14 PM 

Tom don't step down from your soapbox - I loved your spiel! It's 100% true. Both you and Steve are right. The masses are slow to appreciate a new idea. Oh well, it's their loss. At any rate, if everyone jumped onboard the encap commercial market would become as saturated as the HWE residential market is now. Their ignorance is bliss FOR US.

Rick Gelinas
Click to learn about encapsulation

Tom Rowe

Re: Re: Re: People really don't believe what the Cimex can do....

May 23 2003, 8:37 AM 

I suppose the less guys out there doing this the better it is for us. However as acceptance grows so will the number of users.....

I guess we've got a "Catch 22" here.


Re: Re: Re: Re: People really don't believe what the Cimex can do....

May 23 2003, 1:36 PM 

Great system, nice to be so sure that spots and spills will not wick back.
Just did a student residence building, and the super wanted assurance that we would come back for all the stains that would wick back, been 3 weeks and no call.
Love it. Encap works.


Catch 22

June 2 2003, 9:52 PM 

catch 22 definitely explains this dilemma.

I already have competitors trying to figure out what in the hell I am doing with the OP, and now doubly so with encap.
Last week we ran the Cimex & Conqueror(compliments of George Wills)and I felt like we should toss some Camoflage netting over the van and equipment.

That's it! Maybe if I paint all the gear camo it will help maintain out covert secret.

I wasn't there 10 mins and the janitor was all..."oh you got new machine, last guy had big truck and hoses"

people watch and see alot.

Manager was like you get beck here every month I want it looking like this all the time!

you win some, and you win some.

Current Topic - People really don't believe what the Cimex can do....
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS