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Perplexed ..... Again!

June 4 2003 at 3:27 PM
Steve Smith  

I did a lot of experimenting the other day and quickly found out that the carpet looked much, much better when using the gravity feed system of the Cimex instead of prespraying.

We ran side by side tests three times and all three times the gravity fed system side was far superior.


It just don't make any sense to me.

See photo: Gravity vs Prespray

Bruce Gors

Re: Perplexed ..... Again!

June 4 2003, 4:29 PM 

Thanks Steve for clearing this up. Was thinking of spraying but showerfeed just to fast and easy.

Tom Rowe

Re: Perplexed ..... Again!

June 4 2003, 4:51 PM 

Two things,

1) I would guess you get more volume of solution to the carpet with the Shower feed compared to pre spraying. More chem would mean better cleaning I guess?

2) I've had the same expierence comparing The shower Feed to the sprayer application. I think that perhaps when pre spraying some components of the chem evaporate while being sprayed. I mean they come out in a mist, and I betcha a pint of Chunky Monkey that a fair amount of the chem gets absorbed into the air never making it to the carpet.
On top of that, as the chem dwells the components are evaporating too. If any one component evaporates away, even just partially, I'm sure it would effect
the results.

So I think the shower feed works better simply because we get more "Pure" chemical to the carpet faster & wetter.

These Chems are designed to evaporate quickly, I believe most have alcohol in them.

I've tried prespraying and using a GLS and found that for the most part the chem had already dried up before I got to scrub it.

I never bothered to try prespraying before the using Cimex, but I would think it would be the same thing.

Now a combination of pre spraying & using the shower feed may be a good idea, but I've never needed to go that far yet, as the shower feed works great for us.



Re: Re: Perplexed ..... Again!

June 4 2003, 5:32 PM 

Have been a big fan of the shower feed method for many a year with our bonnet maintenance system, so when I got a Cimex we automatically went with the shower feed method. We tried pre spray with the Cimex but found no advantage. Evaporation of the chemical in the pre spray application is a possibility, but I doubt it. When we pre spray with other cleaning methods we add water is the cleaning action, and this activates the cleaning solution that we have pre sprayed, however, with the Cimex or GLS machines we pre spray and than clean with no added solution.
The problem with pre spraying in this cleaning mode would be that we would need to apply a lot more detergent, and that is not something I want to do, so I will stick to shower feeding and controlling the amount of solution required for the cleaning situation.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: Re: Perplexed ..... Again!

June 4 2003, 9:39 PM 


Your experience coincides with what I've seen too. It cleans considerably better when we run the solution through the tank as opposed to spraying it down. I've been recommending cleaning this way to the fellows.

Want to know the ultimate way to clean with the Cimex? Pre-spray the encap product onto the traffic areas. Then clean with the solution fed through the tank like normal. The extra dwell time can help a lot, when the soil load is heavier. It also allows you to use a little bit less solution.

Now as for WHY the cleaning is more efficient when it is dispensed through the tank - I can't say for sure. Like encapsulation - I just know that it works!

Rick Gelinas
Click to learn about encapsulation

Jim Cross

Re: Re: Re: Re: Perplexed ..... Again!

June 4 2003, 10:23 PM 

When the load is heavier, as Rick stated, I have found as well combining the two an advantage, otherwise just gravity

Steve Lawrence

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Perplexed ..... Again!

June 11 2003, 8:03 PM 

Are you really getting it cleaner with the shower feed or are you just seeing more initial reflectance from the greater ammount of product on the carpet?



My thoughts....

June 5 2003, 10:05 AM 

The reason I think that the shower feed works so much better is as follows: When using the presprayer, you atomize the particles, forming droplets, and these droplets loose a small portion of some of the cleaning agents before it hits the carpet. Then the droplets are reattaching and reforming back into a continuous surface onto the carpets. They immediately start drying as that is what they are designed to do, then by the time you get there to scrub it is even more dimished in its ability to spread out further, as it lacks as much volume to spread itself out.

Conversely, with the showerfeed, you are momentarily connecting each fiber with a conduit of solution. This rush of solution carried via the pads tend to flush down the fibers, thoroughly wetting it while agitating it, allowing the solution to flow out all the fibers, evenly. This flush of solution is great enough that the areas between the fibers are bridged momentarily as well and allowed to flush down those areas as well. Since the volume is still sufficient it then uses its remaining cleaning ability as it disperses farther down the fiber after its main cleaning near the surface is done, to coat the rest of the fiber and finish seeking its "runout point"(point where water or any liquid will absorb out to in carpet). While traveling to its runout point it is carrying the agglomerated soils, further from view.

So there you have it- just some ideas, none proven, just circumstancial, from keen observation of a person who doesn't clean carpets....I enhance the visual appearance of


George Wills

Re: My thoughts....

June 5 2003, 10:03 PM 

I think keeping the pads very wet with the shower feed is the key. With pre-spraying the pads are not wet enough. Actually it is probably a combonation of many things. Whatever works! I call it PFM. (Anyone with an electronics batground will know what i am talkin about)

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