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Truvox Cimex

June 9 2003 at 6:20 AM
Gary Roland  

Although, I have seen a picture of the new cimex,what new changes if any?

Gary Roland

Re: Truvox Cimex

June 9 2003, 6:40 AM 

One thing I think I see is no exposed moving parts on the bottom back half of the mach.If someone were to hit somthing it would damage, somthing.

Peter Holt

Not sure what you are looking at!

June 9 2003, 12:22 PM 

So far we have not publsihed any new pictures

Our plan so far is to make as before whilst we fully understand what we might be able to do to improve longer term

Kind regards,


Gary Roland

Re: Not sure what you are looking at!

June 9 2003, 3:20 PM 

Down loaded your catalog Pete, which had a picture of the machine, unless this was the heavy duty one.

Gary Roland

Re: Re: Not sure what you are looking at!

June 9 2003, 3:27 PM 

Looks to me like a newsletter, T40SP & T50SP.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: Re: Not sure what you are looking at!

June 9 2003, 5:28 PM 


What you're looking at is the Truvox Triton Machine.

Here's the Truvox story, as I understand it.

Before Truvox acquired the Cimex - they acquired the Jani-Jack machine (a 3-head planetary machine). They re-introduced the Jani-Jack machine into their line as the Triton T-40 and T-50.

Truvox had actually been pursuing the 3 head scrubber line for some time. So when Cimex entered the picture they jumped on it.

So now Truvox has two planetary machine lines that they are producing. They essentially have the planetary machine market cornered. It's a win-win. Truvox can now produce and sell the planetary machines from their factory and the we can enjoy the backing of a larger company with the resources to promote and stand behind the machines.

Rick Gelinas
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Gary Roland

Re: Re: Re: Re: Not sure what you are looking at!

June 9 2003, 5:55 PM 

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, Thank you for clearing that up, Rick. I should be getting with you for some pads pretty soon to try out. Thanks for the info. Oh yeah, are we going to be able to get the Cimex in the bigger sizes? Not sure if I'd want one, but who knows! If I've got the area...... I might.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Not sure what you are looking at!

June 11 2003, 1:30 AM 

RIck have you ever run the Triton 40 / 50 ?

will it be available in the US, is it any better worse etc...than the 19" Cimex?


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Not sure what you are looking at!

June 11 2003, 8:12 AM 

We have seen the Truvox machine and ran it side by side with Cimex, had a couple featurers I liked, but overall the Cimex was a much better. The Truvox also had several featurers I did not like. I hope the new machine keeps the Cimex the way it is and changes a few things that have been posted on this board a while back.

Current Topic - Truvox Cimex
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