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Going to the ISCT convention

June 18 2003 at 12:55 AM

Rick Gelinas  

My wife and I are flying out in the morning to go to the ISCT convention in North Carolina. I’ll be sharing in part of the program Saturday morning in a discussion about encapsulation. It should be fun!

So I won’t be here to answer calls or e-mails for the next few days. I’ll be back next week. In the meantime you guys behave yourselves while I’m gone.

Rick Gelinas
Click to learn about encapsulation


Re: Going to the ISCT convention

June 18 2003, 11:39 AM 

Good luck with your presentation, was intending on being there but can not make it. A very good and long time friend is fighting for his life right now and I don't want to be too far away from home just in case.

David Schutt

Sorry about your friends struggle

June 18 2003, 5:33 PM 

I'm sorry to hear about your friend's struggle.

I don't know what your friend is struggling with, but most of us will face cancer in our lifetimes. My mother died of the treatments she was given for cancer and my dad had his arm cut off and his shoulder replaced because of bone cancer. In the fall of 1999 I began to have the same symptoms that my dad had. In fact I could barely use my right arm. It was scary.

After what happened to my mom and dad, I didn't want to run off to the doctor. They didn't seem to be offering the kind of help I wanted. Searching on the internet for cancer treatment info, I learned about Laetrile or vitamin B17. I learned that the FDA keeps claiming that it doesn't work based on ONE study done in 1950 something. I found the so-called "study." It was TWO whole pages long in its entirety. TWO pages, if I tried to turn in even a freshman college "research" paper that was only two pages long, it would never have been accepted. I also found many other studies and anecdotal reports of the effectiveness of Laetrile or vitamin b17 and sources for getting it through the mail. It became a matter of who I trusted.

I had x-rays taken and blood tests done that both confirmed I had a cancerous tumor growing in my upper right arm. I bought Laetrile from a website (the FDA has since closed that site down, but it keeps coming back, you just have to search for it) for an intensive 21 day treatment. It only cost $480.00. I figured if it didn't work, it was only vitamins, it couldn't HURT me in anyway and if I wanted to I could always go to a MD and get cut, burnt or poisoned. Well, I took the vitamin B17 and I also straightened out my diet (I never smoked). That was basically it.

All signs of the cancer were gone when I was retested and had new x-rays just 4 months later. The cancer is still gone. I regained full use of my arm, MY ARM, not a plastic insert. The cost of the treatment was less than one appointment with an onocologist. (Maybe that is the reason they don't tell anyone about Laetrile, MMMM.) I am convinced based on studies done in other countries that I have read on the internet and my own experience that cancer is the result of a vitamin deficiency. I take some vitamin B17 everyday. I like living and I don't want cancer. By the way, I also eat fruit with vitamin C everyday, because I don't want scurvy, same type of thing.

Anyway, that's my story. It worked for me.

Have Fun,
David Schutt


Re: Sorry about your friends struggle

June 19 2003, 1:40 AM 



Steve Lawrence

Re: Sorry about your friends struggle

June 19 2003, 8:07 AM 

Thanks for the story, David,

Yeah, money rulz in our medical industry.

I always go to alternative therapies.

I'm saving your post for future reference!!!!!

Steve Lawrence

Current Topic - Going to the ISCT convention
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