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ISCT Convention

June 23 2003 at 12:37 PM

Rick Gelinas  

Lee Pemberton in his opening Keynote Address gave some insights into where he sees carpet cleaning going in the next few years. There were many interesting observations in This discussion. Here are a few of the things that Lee touched on.

1) Lee stated that some of the current cleaning chemicals are contributing to algae blooms in waterways that are overburdened with nutrients. Ruth Travis followed Lee and she also made mention of cleaners that are being fined for improper disposal of waste water.

2) Lee also encouraged cleaners to become aware of changes in technology in our industry.

3) He commented on carpet manufacturers who are now cleaning carpet.

4) Lee recommended that being able to clean & dry carpet promptly provides a "marketing advantage".

5) He suggested "niche marketing" – don’t spray your marketing over too wide of an area.

I was pleased to see that the Keynote Address focused on several areas that many of us are aware of and are already addressing in our businesses.

The entire convention was extremely interesting! There were parts on the program, and classes by some of the brightest minds in our industry. I found plenty of valuable information that I could use in my business.

One of the highly enjoyable parts of this convention was hearing Doyle Bloss conduct a part entitled “Things We Learned From Our Dad”. Ralph Bloss was a noteworthy industry leader, and it was moving to hear Doyle’s expressions about the meaningful impact that Ralph’s life had on many in this industry.

On Saturday morning I enjoyed discussing the benefits of encapsulation in a panel discussion entitled “Encapsulation, Key to Commercial Success” The panel included – Scott Warrington, Doyle Bloss, Scott Rendall, and myself. The discussion and the question and answer session that followed was enthusiastically received.

I want to say thanks to all who contributed to making this year’s ISCT Convention a GREAT one!

Rick Gelinas
Click to learn about encapsulation


Re: ISCT Convention

June 23 2003, 1:18 PM 

Thanks for the info Rick, sorry I missed the convention, I planned on going to the convention but a few things came up that did not allow me to get away.
One of the things was a very sick long time friend of mine and I did not want to be out of the country just in case.
The second thing was that Mark Klink of DSC was going to be in our area on the 20th and I wanted to meet with him and get first hand info on his products and encapsulation


Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: ISCT Convention

June 23 2003, 1:26 PM 

I hope your friend is well Don. You did the right thing staying there to be close.

But I have to say, it was disappointing to not see Mark Kling at the ISCT - but at least you got to enjoy a visit from him. Mark's a sharp guy when it comes to the encap chemical technology!

BTW I just shipped one of our used Chemstractors up to New Brunswick. It sure is a pain to ship freight into your country.

Take care, my Canadian friend!

Rick Gelinas
Click to learn about encapsulation


Rick Gelinas

ISCT photo of the encap discussion group

June 23 2003, 7:35 PM 

Here’s a picture of the Q&A session from the Saturday morning Encapsulation panel discussion. It was encapsulating!

Left to right – Scott Warrington, Yours Truly, Doyle Bloss, Scott Rendall

Rick Gelinas
Click to learn about encapsulation

Scott Warrington

Thanks Rick

June 30 2003, 11:06 AM 

The ISCT convention was indeed a great one. I wish more had been able to attend. Those did come got a great program. I realy loved the tours of Karastan and Culp. Seeing new equipment and watching the first production run of new products at Karastan was fabulous.
Rick, thanks for your contribution. The encapsulation part was well attended for an early morning sesson. The many questions asked afterward show a great interest in this topic.

Scott W

Current Topic - ISCT Convention
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