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Encapsulation & residential carpet (photos)

July 6 2003 at 8:22 AM

Rick Gelinas  

Well we've been going around on the issue of whether or not encapsulation can be used for residential carpet. I've been taking a conservative view and saying "stick with commercial". I've been hearing that guys are having excellent results cleaning apartments and homes with encap. But I've been reluctant to recommend it.

These pictures are from one my brother properties that was made filthy by one of his tenants. He cleaned this trashed rental with a Cimex and encap detergent. The Cimex did a good job on this one. It looks like encapsulation may have more applications than just commercial!

Residential Photos

Rick Gelinas
Click to learn about encapsulation

David Gelinas

Re: Encapsulation & residential carpet (photos)

July 6 2003, 5:21 PM 

In a recent post some were concerned about soil loading. The pictures that Rick posted give some idea of what encapsulation has been able to do. These pictures are of a two-bedroom apartment that had a family of four living in for approximately a year and a half, including a newborn baby that is now 1-˝ yrs old and a three year old. The carpet is typical renters grade cut pile carpet. If you noticed, you can see it in the first picture a little bit but in the third picture even more, the tenants after getting the carpet sufficiently filthy went and put an area rug down over the carpet at an angle.
The results were more than satisfactory and actually considering what I started with in my opinion very good. I used Spin Vac @ 8oz with hot water and FiberPlus pads.

David Gelinas

PS So much for renting to friends and not getting a security deposit.

Bill Coble

Re: Re: Encapsulation & residential carpet (photos)

July 7 2003, 12:11 AM 

Hey David,
How much chemical did you use, and did you return to vacuum?

David Gelinas

Re: Re: Re: Encapsulation & residential carpet (photos)

July 7 2003, 7:16 AM 

Good morning Bill
In my original post I said I used Spin Vac @ 8oz, I was mistaken it was actually Mist and Brush @ 8oz that I used. I pre-vacuum because there was so much “trash” on the floor. After the carpet was dry and before I took the pictures, I post-vacuumed because the carpet “linted” quite a bit. After cleaning, most of that lint was deposited a long the edges. I think the reason there was so mush lint is because the carpet was new when they moved in and as you might have guessed they didn’t do a whole lot of regular vacuuming.

David Gelinas

Scott Warrington

Go to sleep, Bill

July 7 2003, 10:10 AM 

Bill you are posting at Midnight on a Sunday. I could understand you're being up this late if there was a party. But it is too late at night to be reading carpet cleaning information.
Scott W


Re: Go to sleep, Bill

July 8 2003, 12:45 AM 

I thank you for your answer. I would like to know how much RTU solution you used.

Thanks for your concern, but it is the only time that I have to relax.
Please tell me when in July 2004 the ISCT convention is.
I am coming so be for warned.

Scott Warrington

ISCT convention 2004

July 8 2003, 10:13 AM 

This years ISCT convention was a great one. We missed you at the auction. After a focus on mill tours this year, we will focus on family fun next year. But still expect a lot of great education.
The site is Clearwater, Florida. The second week in July. Without a calendar I don;t remember theexact dates.
Scott W

Current Topic - Encapsulation & residential carpet (photos)
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