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Chemical Usage

July 9 2003 at 6:16 AM
John L 

How many sq.ft. per gallon should I expect from Spin-Vac using the Cimex 19" w/ Pads. This will be on power Bond carpet in good condition.
Thanks, John L


Rick Gelinas

Re: Chemical Usage

July 9 2003, 6:38 AM 

Spin Vac dillutes at 1:16, so a gallon of dtergent will make 16 gallons of RTU product. You can clean an average of 300 sq ft per gallon of RTU. Obviously there are variables when it comes to coverage of product (sometimes we'll go a little higer or lower) but 300 sq ft is the average. So each gallon of detergent will clean an average of 4800 sq ft of carpet. And a case of detergent will clean an average of 19,200 sq ft.

Rick Gelinas
Click to learn about encapsulation

John Luce

Soft Water

July 9 2003, 6:51 AM 

We use soft water in a lot of applications. I could carry 5gal RTU if this would be of any added value w/ spin-vac.Maybe better foaming action ?
Thanks, John L


Rick Gelinas

Re: Soft Water

July 9 2003, 6:25 PM 


You're right; soft water will produce better foam. But honestly we don't need to produce a lot of foam. Even slight foaming on the surface is adequate. What we're using the "foam" characteristic for is as an indicator. It indicates that you're applying a sufficient amount of detergent to the carpet. If you can only see a slight bit of whitening on the surface you’re right where you need to be.

Enjoy your new Cimex!

Rick Gelinas
Click to learn about encapsulation


Re: Re: Soft Water

July 10 2003, 10:51 AM 

The advantage of using soft water, is it will reduce the need for chemical, to do the same job, at least that is true with regular cleaning chemicals. Is that not also true with Spin Vac and the other encapsulants?


Re: Re: Re: Soft Water

July 10 2003, 12:59 PM 

It will reduce the amount of chemical used up by poor water conditions, however I would not change the ratio because the cleaning agent also is needed to form a crystal. The cleaning agent also leaves a protector behind that help cause the crystal to detach. not having enough of that may affect your cleaning results.



Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: Re: Re: Soft Water

July 10 2003, 1:58 PM 

I believe that what Tony said is correct about the crystal. So I would also be reluctant to use a lower dilution.

You are correct that soft water uses less chemicals in most cases.

As I said in my post above though we don’t really need to create a lot of foam. The foam is simply a visible guide to see how much product that we’re using.

BTW, here's a thought about costs:
As an example, a case of Spin Vac at $90 will make up 64 gallons of RTU product. So at a cleaning rate of 300 sq ft per gallon, that case will clean 19,200 sq ft. If you were cleaning at just 7 cents per sq ft - that $90 case of Spin Vac would generate $1,344. That's not a bad return!

Rick Gelinas
Click to learn about encapsulation

Current Topic - Chemical Usage
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