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Encapsulated my Handspring

July 10 2003 at 11:17 PM

Rick Gelinas  

I've got one of those Handspring - Palm Pilot phones. Well I was doing a job tonight and dropped that sucker into a bucket of Spin Vac. It sunk like a rock straight to the bottom. When I pulled it out I could see bubbles under the screen. I encapsulated it real good. I dried it out as fast as I could but it's toast. A $400 mistake - Doh! Those little circuit boards are now forming a lovely crystal on them. I'll be sure to vacuum it well in the morning. LOL So if any of you try to reach me tomorrow - you might have to leave me a message.

Rick Gelinas
Click to learn about encapsulation


Re: Encapsulated my Handspring

July 11 2003, 8:27 AM 

Been there done that, expensive accident.

David Gelinas

Re: Re: Encapsulated my Handspring

July 11 2003, 8:51 AM 

Been there done that. My old Nextel 1000’s were highly susceptible to water damage. I was loading up equipment one day and it started to rain. I stepped into the van to answer my phone and my hand was wet and it shorted out my phone. You’d think if they can make a $40 tooth brush that’s rechargeable that you can run under running water, that they could make a phone that was a little more tolerant of water. Hope fully my new i95 will be a little bit better.

David Gelinas

Steve Lawrence

Re: Re: Re: Encapsulated my Handspring

July 13 2003, 7:34 AM 

Get the insurance for your phone. Not very much $ and we've replaced 2 in the last year for only $35 ea time.


Rick Gelinas

It's working again!

July 14 2003, 4:10 PM 

To start with I ordered a new Handspring off of E-Bay.

But I kept checking the Handspring after it dried out. Everyday I looked at the Handspring - NOTHING. Then I figured; I'll just try putting it on the charger and see what happens. Voila! It came back to life.

So now I have two Handsprings. I can live with that.

Rick Gelinas
Click to learn about encapsulation


Rick Gelinas

Re: It's working again!

July 14 2003, 4:13 PM 


And now the reception is C R Y S T A L clear too

Rick Gelinas
Click to learn about encapsulation

Scott Warrington


July 15 2003, 9:19 AM 

Rick, Did you do the post vacuuming or was that covered by someone at the cellular phone company office?
Scott W


Rick Gelinas

Re: Procedure?

July 15 2003, 4:15 PM 

LOL !!!

Rick Gelinas
Click to learn about encapsulation

Current Topic - Encapsulated my Handspring
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