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sq. ft. per hour

July 17 2003 at 2:58 PM
John L  

I know I have seen this posted, but can't find it now. Question, We are starting our first cimex 19"job tomorrow (airport). We have used Truck Mounts in the past,cleaning 50,000 sf. Carpet is in pretty good shape except for a few high T/A's. What SF average should I expect to clean per hour? I will be using Ricks'pads
Thanks, John


Re: sq. ft. per hour

July 17 2003, 4:00 PM 

I would think you should get at least 3000 sq ft per hour in this setting.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: sq. ft. per hour

July 17 2003, 4:06 PM 

We find that 2K is the middle of the road for normal cleaning.

We can go up to 3K, or even slightly higher sometimes, on more lightly soiled areas.

And we can fall back to as low as 1K for congested or heavier soiled areas.

Rick Gelinas
Click to learn about encapsulation

Steve Smith

Re: Re: Re: sq. ft. per hour

July 17 2003, 5:18 PM 

Rick has it nailed for sure... If you only have to make a wet pass, due to very light soiling, you will probably exceed 3K and might even approach 5K per SF.


Re: Re: Re: Re: sq. ft. per hour

July 17 2003, 5:19 PM 

I mean per hour not "per SF". LOL

John Luce


July 17 2003, 7:57 PM 

Thanks Guys, for all the imput. This is like starting all over again. We started 23 years ago with 2 chemstractors. Got rid of those over a period of time....why I can't remember, and have purchased at least 12 Truck Mount's to date. I am now the owner of a brand new Cimex 19" and we are excited to start our first Cimex job (conversion from steam)tomorrow. Got to say, a little nervous, but I love it. Yp,I know "Don't over wet!!!
Thanks again,
John L

Current Topic - sq. ft. per hour
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