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July 21 2003 at 2:47 PM
Alternative Carpet  

What is used to pre treat coffee & cola stains for encapslation?
Gary Roland


Rick Gelinas

Re: Coffee

July 21 2003, 3:06 PM 

Coffee Stain Remover.
Whichever brand you prefer.

Rick Gelinas
Click to learn about encapsulation



July 21 2003, 5:09 PM 

Be careful using Bridge Point's coffee remover, If using Encap it will leave a very noticable white residue I had one customer thought I bleached the carpet, I would suggest Stain Magic

Tom Rowe

Re: Coffee

July 21 2003, 7:31 PM 

I've had good results just using Crystal Dry on coffee spills, long as the customer has'nt used everything under thier sink on the spill already.
Once they try all that over the counter stuff, and some under the counter stuff,....well,...things are'nt pretty,...are they

Alternative Carpet

Re: Re: Coffee

July 21 2003, 9:27 PM 

No they are'nt! So what then HWE? Sounds like you would have to rinse some of those coffee chems.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: Re: Coffee

July 22 2003, 12:49 AM 

The acid based coffee stain removers don't need HWE. The encap cleaning has been working fine to clean after treating the spots. And like Tom mentioned - many of these stains will even come out by simply scrubbing them with an encap detergent (I had a couple of distinct brown coffee stains on the job that I did tonight that just scrubbed right out). Only the bad ones will require coffee stain remover.

Although you may already know this, it’s good to keep in mind that some coffee stains may be permanent. This can be a problem depending on the dye method of the carpet. For instance, vat dyeing is where the fiber is dyed in a vat with hot dye. The hot dye opens up the dye sights. As it cools the dye sights close and the color is contained. Acid dye blockers are also added to many carpets to reduce color staining. Yet if coffee is scalding hot when it gets dumped onto the carpet, the dyeing process can occur all over again. It's possible that the scalding coffee can enter the dye sights and cause a permanent coloration. This is not uncommon, especially in areas where a hot coffee pot or coffee urn is in use.

Rick Gelinas
Click to learn about encapsulation

Alternative Carpet

Re: Re: Re: Re: Coffee

July 22 2003, 7:21 AM 

I see what you saying Rick, as long as their on the acid side, Thanks for reminding me about this! Makes good sense about the coffee being hot, just as a dye bath. And thats right, I have ran into coffee I could'nt get out, stuff was from over seas. Stain resistant, not stain proof! With any system!

Current Topic - Coffee
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