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Water Marks

July 23 2003 at 3:47 PM
Jim McDannel  

Hi Everyone, took the Cimex out on a demo,yesterday that had severe water stains, Glue Down olefin in a condo the center is open to the weather, I have not gone back and look at it yet, but there are saying it looks better but can still see the water stains, I hope there is a better way to fix this problem than trying to spray ARA all over the place, Im talking about 10 Floors about 80ft long and 6ft wide per side, Thanks for any Help Jim McDannel


Rick Gelinas

Re: Water Marks

July 23 2003, 4:57 PM 


Mix the Spin Vac at a stronger than normal dilution - 12 oz per gallon of hot water. I'd also try adding some Citric Acid Powder or an equivalent strong acid to your detergent. Take your time and scrub SLOWLY. Keep it as dry as possible. Make several extra dry passes on the water-mark line. This technique has worked well for me on water marks.

Rick Gelinas
Click to learn about encapsulation


Re: Re: Water Marks

July 23 2003, 5:01 PM 

How Much Citric Acid in the Spin Vac, or per gallon, again thanks for the help Rick



Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: Re: Water Marks

July 23 2003, 5:10 PM 

I normally use Bridgepoint's Citric Acid Powder - 1 rounded gallon-jug-capful per 3 gallon pail of heated Spin Vac. This brings the rtu pH down to around 5. The reason I use the BP powder is because it's a VERY acidic product. It works very well.

Rick Gelinas
Click to learn about encapsulation


Re: Re: Re: Re: Water Marks

July 23 2003, 9:25 PM 

Thanks Rick,,,, I will try that, Worked with the Cimex today on a Private School, Production times were nice compared to the Truck Mount..
See ya Jim

Steve Lawrence

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Water Marks

July 25 2003, 12:53 PM 

Have you tested to make sure the Citric Acid doesn't affect the delicate crystalizing chemistry of Spin Vac?




July 28 2003, 9:23 PM 

Today, I did the citric acid Spin vac trick on a watermarked office. I am a hero!

It had been cleaned multiple times in the last two years before me, always came back.

15 mins of OP time, and $75 and more importantly they think I am a miracle worker.

Current Topic - Water Marks
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