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cimex pics

August 1 2003 at 1:40 PM


Re: cimex pics

August 1 2003, 9:25 PM 

Hey Jm,
Fantastic pictures!!!!

David Gelinas

Marble / Stone Pics

August 1 2003, 11:47 PM 

Here are some stone pics. The pics themselves are just ok at best, but they give you some idea.
David Gelinas


Rick Gelinas

Hosting Pictures

August 2 2003, 12:56 AM 

Nice pics Jim & Dave!

Jim & Dave sent pics to me and I built the web gallery and hosted them on my website. If any of you have cleaning pictures that you want posted, just e-mail them to me and I will be happy to setup a web gallery for you and e-mail the link back to you. And then you can use the link wherever you wish. I have plenty of room on my web server for images. So if you'd like me to do a web gallery for you just send the pics. It might even be useful for marketing - to show your work.

Rick Gelinas
Click to learn about encapsulation

Jim McDannel


August 2 2003, 1:50 PM 

Thanks Rick for setting this up for us, Its Sat afternoon been using the Cimex all Day, Taking a 2 hr break and going back tonight to do some more. This is the easiest money I have ever made, and I haven't broke a sweat yet..
Good Fortune to everyone..

George Wills

But Where's the Dirt?

August 2 2003, 10:57 PM 

Just kidding, Looks great. I just did a 6,000 sqft store with my Cimex. It looked fantastic. I wish had about 20 more jobs like that on a reguler basis.

John L

Ditto Jim

August 3 2003, 7:44 AM 

Friday we just converted a 5 year County Gov. contract from truck mount to Encap. They are delighted with the results in an Airport we have been working on. Just think No more pulling those hoses up those big buildings. We have been doing this w/ the Cimex19. I just ordered a 15" from Rick to back it up.
Thanks, Rick

Jim McDannel

What a Day

August 3 2003, 12:38 PM 

I must say after Sat I am tired, We covered alot of carpet Saturday, One of my biggest days ever, It was nice beacuse at the end of the Day it came a horrible rain, sure was nice looking at my closed up trailer instead of a soaking Truck Mount, and it took a whole 30 seconds to load the Cimex,, And you're right about pulling hose I have a 4 story building that I do twice a year. I smile every time I go in there now, knowing I don't have to go up the Fire Escape ever again.
Thanks Rick Jim McDannel

John L

Info net commercial

August 3 2003, 6:15 PM 

Hey Jim, This is starting to sound like a commercial.
When doing the big buildings we leave our equipment in a secured room. Each day we go to the job empty handed, and leave empty handed until the last trip. Only a truck mount Co. could really appreciate that!
John L

Current Topic - cimex pics
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