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Encapsulation with CCS Conqueror

August 6 2003 at 12:27 AM
Roger Sanders 

I have a Conqueror. If I wish to encapsulate with it, is it necessary to buy the special encapsulating brush?

I have some 17 inch fiberplus pads and placed them over the normal drive block. They seemed to hold really well, but were too large. The diameter of the drive block is 13 inches to the edge of the bristles.
Can the 17 inch fiberplus pads be trimmed easily? What type of cutting device can be used to make a decent cut? I need to cut out pads for my 15 inch Cimex also, but I don't know what to use besides a scissors.

When encapsulating with the Conqueror, one must spray an area with the encapsulating chemical, then run the pad over the sprayed area. Should the fiberplus pad be saturated with the chemical, or can it be used dry to begin with?

George Wills

Re: Encapsulation with CCS Conqueror

August 6 2003, 1:04 AM 

I have been using the encap. brush on my Conqueror just about every day. I also add two 10 pound dumbells attached with a bungee cord. The extra weight really helps. If I were using the fiber plus pads I would spray them with my pre spray. I am going to het some fiber pads from Rick, they work great on the Cimex, I am sure they do just as well on the Conqueror. I plow through 2 bedroom move outs in 30 minutes (with helper), 45 minutes alone, and love the fact that there are no pads to wash at the end of the day.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: Encapsulation with CCS Conqueror

August 6 2003, 8:12 AM 


You can cut the pads with good pair of household scissors. You could order the 15" FiberPlus pads for your Conqueror.

Rick Gelinas
Click to learn about encapsulation

Roger Sanders

Re: Re: Encapsulation with CCS Conqueror

August 6 2003, 9:22 AM 

George, are you using the special encapsulation brush from CCS, or the regular drive block you received with the Conqueror when you purchased it? Are the 2 bedroom moveouts rental apartment units? If so, you must be getting good results on cut pile carpet.

George Wills

Re: Re: Re: Encapsulation with CCS Conqueror

August 6 2003, 6:29 PM 

I am using the CCS encapsulation brush and Spin Vac. This is an awesome combonation. These are mainly town homes and condo's. The carpets range from cheap cut pile to berbar to glue downs. I spyay it on pretty heavy (about 2 gallons for a 2 BR unit)

Steve Smith

Re: Re: Re: Re: Encapsulation with CCS Conqueror

August 6 2003, 9:11 PM 


You can use the 17" pads... they work just fine. You can also cut an inch or so off with scissors. Personally, I prefer the 17 inchers.

Ades Gros

Re: Encapsulation with CCS Conqueror

August 6 2003, 5:09 PM 

I know they say encap, is not for residential but i have been using it almost 100 % of the time lately. I have only put 15 Hrs. on my machine in the last 60 days. I use the 15" fiber plus pads with a drive block on a RX-20. What i have done is this. I have a 50 gal fresh water tank so i been mixing like 4 gals of spin vac at time in the tank. Which i have hooked to 12 volt Shur-Flow pump, i put a fitting on it to hook my pressure line and just pull the trigger to get some soultion. It has been working out great.

Been getting some real good comments from customers.
they are pleased with it.

Current Topic - Encapsulation with CCS Conqueror
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