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CIMEX is better than a rotary?

August 7 2003 at 12:58 AM
Chris Kallas  

I did a commercial job last Saturday using HWE, but one of the hallways, 5'X65'I did it with my regular rotary brush, using "Mist and Brush" from Steamway. They didn't notice the difference.
My question is, CIMEX can do a better job?
Is "Mist & Brush" as good as the other encapsulators?
Is "Crystal Rince" an encapsulator, and if yes, how good?
I do 98% residentials and the rest commercials, but I want to do to commercials a lot more.

PS. CIMEX is a pretty machine.


Rick Gelinas

Re: CIMEX is better than a rotary?

August 7 2003, 8:34 AM 

In response to your 3 questions:
1) Yes
2) Yes
3) Yes

The Cimex is OVER 600% more efficient than a standard rotary machine. Here's why. A standard rotary scrubs with 1 brush, the Cimex scrubs with 3 (so each pass accomplishes 3 times as much scrubbing). A standard rotary rotates at 175 rpm while the Cimex spins at 400 rpm (more than twice as fast). So the total variance is an increase of 6.

Plus there's also another huge benefit factor that we can't even measure. As the brushes on the Cimex spin clockwise, the drive deck is turning counter-clockwise. So the Cimex is actually cleaning in both directions at the same time. This creates cleaning efficiency that is "off the charts" altogether. Each pass cleans all sides of the carpet fiber. Bottom line, there’s no comparison!

Rick Gelinas
Click to learn about encapsulation


Re: Re: CIMEX is better than a rotary?

August 7 2003, 1:30 PM 

I agree, started using a rotary and spin vac, was o.k. Once we got a cimex machine it was night and day difference in the cleaning results

Current Topic - CIMEX is better than a rotary?
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS