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Cimex for residential?

August 23 2003 at 11:57 AM

I have a question that I hope some of you Cimex Forum readers can help with. I recently did some work for an assisted living place , which has commercial type carpet in the hallways , and different grades of residential type carpet inthe rooms. I used my Cimex with the soft brushes on some of the better grade residential carpet with great results, however on the cheap type I saw alot of "Fuzz" from the brushes, no matter how much solution I used. Has anyone used the Fiber Plus pads with any success?Suggestions?Thanks for your help. CW

Ades Gros

FiberPlus Pads

August 23 2003, 12:07 PM 

I use the FiberPlus Pads with a RX-20 ( untill the cimex's hit land), don't get any fuzz. That might be a staple made carpet where you are geting it from,


Rick Gelinas

Re: FiberPlus Pads

August 23 2003, 1:13 PM 

Hi Craig,

If you're using the soft shampoo brushes you should be OK on any type of fiber. In fact that's the same brush that the guys use to clean oriental rugs. Those brushes are softer than the FiberPlus pads. As Ades mentioned, you may be seeing some of the staple yarn creating fuzz.

But also keep in mind that the Cimex is an aggressive scrubber. So that might be the reason why you're seeing the fuzz on a cheapo plush carpet.

I have cleaned all types of carpet with the Cimex and I don't normally see much fuzzing. The most fuzz I ever saw was on some wool oriental rugs that I encap cleaned in a retail store that we clean the carpets in. It wasn't extreme - but there was definitely a fair amount fuzz.

I have cleaned some residential carpet with the Cimex but we primarily use our machines in the commercial setting. I have cleaned every style of commercial carpet with the Cimex: loop, cut pile with a twisted yarn, cut pile with a mono-filamnet fiber, cut-pile/loop-pile combinations, carpet tiles, nylon, olefin, wool, blends, etc. The Cimex has behaved well on all of them. So I can say with confidence that there aren't going to be any problems running the Cimex machine on any commercial carpet. But I would suggest using a degree of caution on residential carpets.

I remember when I used to have an RX-20. The RX-20 head would sometimes create piles of fuzz on certain residential carpets (probably staple yarn). So I think that this may just be the nature of the rotary action.

Grooming the carpet after cleaning should make it possible to capture the fuzz pretty easily.

Rick Gelinas
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