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15" Cimex Blocks

September 12 2003 at 6:21 PM
John Luce 

I received them at 5:30 pm. Boy is that close !! Not bad though coming from the UK in 2 days.
Thanks for your help on that. Oh by the way,, don't forget to send me my FREE Cimex. Ya know the buy 2 get one free promotion you got going.


Mix or match

September 12 2003, 9:19 PM 

do they have to be the same model or can you mix them up? What a great promotion.

Chris Kallas

15" Cimex Blocks

September 13 2003, 12:07 AM 

I'm sure is a mix them up!LOL! Rick, thanks for the pads, they look great!

John Luce

Sorry Rick !

September 13 2003, 6:44 AM 

Rick, sorry for the mix up.
I mis understood my wife. I thought she said "Cimex sale today -two for one", but she said "Exlax". I think I'll pass on that one.


15" Cimex Blocks

September 13 2003, 8:16 AM 

John, do you mean that's is not true? I'm very disappointed.


Rick Gelinas

Don't miss this one

September 13 2003, 12:55 PM 

That special offer was a great one!

Yes, all of you who mailed in the special rebate form along with 3 pieces of ID and a $2,000 deposit will receive your refund checks within 6 - 8 weeks.

Now if any of you missed that offer, be sure not to miss our current Special...

Our latest offer is valid through the month of September. Here's what you'll get: Just send $3,000 before the end of the month and you'll receive your very own 19" Cimex machine; complete with a big yellow tank. You'll receive a special signed photograph of me scrubbing a carpet. And you'll also get my informative guide "How to Make Your Fortune Doing Something". Plus you'll receive a "nearly new" Juiceman Video. And to top it all off, the first 25 customers will be awarded $5.00 off coupons to Busch Gardens. But you better hurry - supplies are limited. So what are you waiting for? Operators are ready to take your call now

Rick Gelinas
Click to learn about encapsulation


Rick Gelinas

Sorry about that

September 13 2003, 1:17 PM 

Somehow Joe Polish logged onto my computer

Rick Gelinas
Click to learn about encapsulation

Chris Kallas

Re: Don't miss this one

September 13 2003, 2:07 PM 

The check is in the mail, payble to "Boot Camp" if I'm correct.
What about that Jaguar? ???????????????
I want my Jaguar!
P.S. complete with the big yellow tank? That really make it a great offer.
Thanks Rick

Current Topic - 15" Cimex Blocks
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS