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Releasit's health and safety

September 19 2003 at 1:19 PM

Rick Gelinas  

The MSDS sheet has now been added to the Releasit website Releasit MSDS. The only ingredient that has any kind of a hazardous rating in Releasit is Isopropyl Alcohol. DuPont Zonyl has been listed on the MSDS sheet even though it carries a "non-hazardous" designation and is not required on the MSDS sheet. All of the remaining ingredients in Releasit are also non-hazardous, so they're not required to be listed on the MSDS either. As you can see Releasit is a very safe product to use.

Some of the information about Tea Tree oil that I’ve run across is kind of interesting. It's thought that Tea Tree oil may provide a number of health benefits. Here's what the Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine says about Tea Tree oil...

"Tea tree oil works as an expectorant when inhaled or taken internally and has a soothing effect; therefore, it can be used for throat and chest infections, and clearing up mucus. It is also effective against earaches, cystitis, and gingivitis. Inhaling steaming hot water with 5 drops of tea tree essential oil added can not only soothe coughing and plugged noses, but doing so at the start of the infection might stop it from spreading. For sore throats, gargle with 6 drops of tea tree oil in a glass of warm water."

--- So I wonder if I could get healthier walking behind a Cimex for a couple of hours with a steaming hot tank of Releasit in front of me. LOL

According to the same source Tea Tree oil has many cleaning abilities too...

"Tea tee oil's natural solvent properties make it an excellent biodegradable cleaning product. It can be used for washing cotton diapers, as a deodorizer, disinfectant, to remove mold and to treat houseplants for molds, fungus, and parasitic infections."

So Releasit smells good, cleans good, and it’s safe to use too.

Rick Gelinas
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Current Topic - Releasit's health and safety
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS